Can you write Kannada? Lend a hand for the visually-challenged
Tulika Bhogaraju / DNA
Bangalore: Imagine being visually impaired - you would need assistance
to read this newspaper. And what if you were a student? You would need a
scribe, someone able to write your examination for you. Gangamma S, 20,
a visually impaired student of the first year BA course, with the help
of friends and the voluntary organisation, Samarthanam, managed to find
a scribe who could read and write Kannada and help her answer her
Not every visually impaired student is as fortunate. There is a group of
visually impaired students who wish to take examinations from May14-June
7; all of them are enrolled in BSc classes. They need volunteers who
will act as scribes, so they can write examinations at the BNM College,
Basavanagudi or Surana College, near South End Circle.
"Earlier, it was okay if the scribe wrote only one paper, and someone
else helped with other papers. However, rules have changed now and one
scribe is expected to help with all the six examinations, including the
language paper. What this means is that we must find a scribe able to
write Kannada. It restricts the number of the people who could help with
such work," says Anil Kumar, a volunteer who has been seeking help on
behalf of friends who are visually challenged.
Earlier, it was mandatory for the scribe to be of a lower qualification
than the student. However, the rules have since changed and it is now
sufficient that the scribes be from a different discipline. Visually
impaired students are given extra time during examinations. They sit in
different rooms, so that they can dictate their answers. Ideally, the
scribe should have a legible handwriting, and also be able to write
quite fast. 
Hundreds of visually impaired students take examinations at the
Bangalore University every year. Voluntary organisations have been
hard-pressed to find the right people for the task, especially since the
rules have now changed and the same scribe should be willing to write
all examinations. The volunteers must all have an ability to read and
write Kannada. So, tell us, are you going to take up this challenge, are
you game?


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