Here is the answer to a question from someone as to what had happened to
FB light. Taken from CNET. 
-----Original Message-----
From: Subramani [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 6:32 PM
To: Subramani L
Subject: Facebook turns off its light
    There was a lot of chatter about "Facebook Lite," a stripped-down
version of the social network's profiles and home page, when it stumbled
out of the gate last summer
<>  and was widely
interpreted as a hit on Twitter
<> . Facebook pitched
it as a test for "countries where we are seeing lots of new users coming
to Facebook for the first time and are looking to start off with a more
simple experience."
Facebook confirmed Tuesday on its official "fan page" that it's ending
the Facebook Lite project
639137> . "We're no longer supporting it, but learned a lot from the
test of a slimmed-down site," a short message read. "If you used Lite,
you'll now be taken to the main site."
There's been no further explanation. Perhaps usage of Lite was lower
than expected in those test markets, or perhaps usage of Lite was higher
than expected, deflecting attention from the third-party apps, heavier
advertisements, and other features that were pared-down or absent--and
yet are the ones that boost Facebook's revenue.
The company has never been hesitant to do away with unpopular or
defective features, axing the likes of its maligned Beacon advertising
program, a "polls" product that may be turned into a Q&A feature soon
<> , and its
classified ads system
<> .
Meanwhile, it's been announcing some more complex new features in
advance of its F8 developer conference--like Community Pages, which are
user-edited discussion hubs
<>  that look to be in
the same vein as Wikipedia.

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