From: Noah Sebastian [] 
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2020 10:35 AM
Subject: How to financially secure a child with special needs

WEALTH WHINES Money & Relationships

How to financially secure a child with special needs

Economic Times Wealth 21-09-2020

To ensure that the child’s needs are taken care of after your death, here are 
the steps you, as parents, need to take at the earliest, says Riju Mehta.

It is not only expensive to raise a child but also requires extensive financial 
planning and execution on the part of parents to achieve all his life’s goals, 
be it education or wedding. The process and planning become even more exacting 
if the child has special needs, either due to physical or mental ailments. It 
then becomes extremely important to chart a course that will ensure his 
lifelong financial independence after the parents’ death and guarantee that his 
medical and physical needs are taken care of as an adult. Here are some of the 
steps the parents can take to enable this:

1 Calculate the child’s needs and expenses

The first step, of course, is to estimate the financial support and caregiving 
that the child will require as an adult. This should include the regular and 
medical expenses, any medical equipment, as well as the services of a helper or 
a trained assistant that he may require. Factor in inflation and then calculate 
the future expenses he is likely to incur. You will need this value not only to 
build a corpus or set up a trust for him, but also to create a budget for 
yourself so that you know how much you are likely to spend till the time you 
are taking care of the child. It is a good idea to take the help of a financial 
adviser and a medical expert in order to arrive at the correct figure.

2 Appoint a guardian

This is a critical step because you need to identify a person you know will 
take care of the child’s needs without financially exploiting him in your 
absence. It can be from among the family or friends, but should be someone who 
is likely to outlive him, not someone as old as you or your parents. You can 
also bestow partial guardianship to take care of specific needs like medical or 
financial care. It will be better to take the help of a lawyer while appointing 
a legal guardian and drafting an agreement for the same.

3 Set up a trust

The next important step is to set up a trust that will protect the financial 
assets for your child. You can put in any assets you want, including money, 
property, equity or jewellery, as and when you have it. However, as in the case 
of a guardian, appointing a trustee will be a tricky process because you will 
have to find a person who has the best interests of the child at heart. If you 
are unable to find a suitable person, you can also appoint an institution, say, 
a bank as a trustee. Again, take the help of a lawyer to ensure the process is 

4 Buy life & health insurance

Parents should buy a term plan with the child’s financial needs included in the 
sum assured because the proceeds can go into the trust after the parents’ 
death. Getting a whole life term insurance can also be a good idea. While it 
may not be easy to get a health plan for the child given his medical condition, 
try to get one even if it is for basic hospitalisation. If this is not 
possible, build a buffer keeping in mind inflation and his medical needs.

5 Write a will

Draw up a will as soon as possible, even if you are young, and do so with the 
help of a lawyer. List out all the assets you want to leave in the trust for 
the child. Mention the guardians and trustees you are appointing for the child 
and also list their responsibilities and mandate clearly to remove any 
ambiguity and to protect the rights and interests of the child.

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