From: Mahesh Chandrasekar []
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 3:53 PM
To: CBR Forum: Admin
Subject: September 2010 - CBR Forum - E- News Bulletin

CBR Forum E-News Bulletin
- A Compilation of News, Information and Updates

September 2010 - CBR Forum - E- News Bulletin

First issue: Oct 2007, Current Issue No. #37

Networking, Advocacy and Lobbying - in promoting the rights of persons with 
disabilities and enhance the potential to exercise these rights.
Compiled by:
Mary Battihun and C. Mahesh<>


Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee to Draft New Legislation to replace PwD 
Act, 1995

For details click on

New Persons with Disabilities Act

The New PDA Committee has established sub-groups to settle the substantive 
content of the new law. The various discussion documents put together by the 
sub-groups are being uploaded under the title of the particular group.

Forums for posting your opinion on the New Law

Disability law drafting process non-consultative

Disability activists from across the State have urged the panel set up by the 
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment to draft the new Disability Bill to 
include the community and make the process transparent.

The process of drafting a new law for the disabled is neither transparent nor 
participative, say disability rights activists.

UNCRPD Country Report - India

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India has 
identified the Centre for Disability Studies, NALSAR University of Law to 
prepare the first Country Report on the UNCRPD. In order to prepare this 
comprehensive report, the Centre for Disability Studies has been pro-actively 
collecting information from governmental and non governmental organizations on 
the current situation of disability rights in the country.

Govt mulls job quota for special persons in pvt sector

MYSORE: Labour minister B N Bachegowda has said the government is in the 
process of bringing in an amendment to labour laws to facilitate employment of 
the physically challenged persons in private sectors.

Efforts to get exact number of disabled in state

BANGALORE: The State Consultation on New Law and Census 2011 was held here on 
Tuesday to discuss inclusion of disability in the census enumeration that will 
soon be conducted.

Survey on disabled soon

JAIPUR: The government will conduct a survey to find out the number of disabled 
people in the state. It will also provide unique identification number and 
certificate so that they can avail all the benefits.
Read more: Survey on disabled soon - Jaipur - City - The Times of India

RTE Act ignores children from minority groups, say activists

Members of various NGOs and child rights activists, working for free, 
compulsory and quality education for underprivileged children, on Thursday 
lamented the fact that formulators and writers of the Right to Education (RTE) 
Act had failed to include children belonging to diverse minority groups.

Disabled face discrimination at rail reservation

CHENNAI: Four disabled persons were turned away from the special counter for 
them at Mambalam station.

Central aid with a vision

Shillong, Sept. 7: When Meghalaya chief minister Mukul Sangma greeted Bertha 
Dkhar, a visually impaired teacher of Jyoti Sroat School and a Padmashree, here 
today, there were few in the gathering who could refrain from feeling glad.

All buildings to be disabled-friendly

MYSORE: The buildings constructed for public use will not get a clearance for 
occupation till they are certified to be disabled-friendly. Mysore is taking 
the lead, which will soon be replicated, across the state. The state 
commissioner for persons with disabilities, Rajanna, said the district 
administration has committed to give effect to this shortly.

Dummies' guide to Web accessibility for disabled people

Recently, Yahoo! India R&D received NCPEDP (National Centre for Promotion of 
Employment for Disabled People)-Mphasis Universal Design Award for 

Not against reservation for mentally challenged: GMADA

Maintaining it has no reservations in including mentally ill people in the 
house allotment projects, the Greater Mohali Area Development Authority (GMADA) 
on Monday submitted it is for the Punjab government to frame a policy to 
include such people in the category of disabled.

Disability certificate for Rs 3,000 in Karnataka

BANGALORE: Divya (name changed) claimed she was speech and hearing impaired, 
and even had a certificate to prove it. But when a Lokayukta health 
investigator whispered in her ear, "What's your name?", she responded 
immediately: "Divya". Don't be shocked.

HC reprieve for physically challenged BTC candidates

ALLAHABAD: In a special appeal filed by candidates belonging to physically 
challenged category who were selected for admission to Special BTC training 
course (2007 and 2008) challenging the communication dated July 15, 2010 of 
SCERT director providing constitution of fresh medical board to verify and 
assess their disability afresh, the Allahabad High Court has restrained ...

American couple allowed to adopt slow-learner Indian kid

The Supreme Court Wednesday allowed an American couple to adopt a slow-learner 
child Anil after an expert committee of doctors told it that the prospective 
parents were eminently suitable for adoption.

ICMR to launch study on autism soon, developing national data

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) will soon conduct an in-depth 
research on autism spectrum disorder with a view to study the reasons and to 
address several issues related to the disorder in the country.

Ambit of education to disabled children to be increased

Under an extended and intensified campaign, a survey will be undertaken of 
those disabled children who are deprived of school education.

Camps to identify learning disability students

BANGALORE: The Malleswaram Dyslexia Association is conducting special camps to 
identify students with special learning disability or Dyslexia in Bangalore.

Blindfolded, they experienced disability

Imagine working, boarding a bus or even shopping blindfolded.

Blind but bright

MYSORE: Drama direction itself is not an easy task that too, if the artists 
involved are visually challenged. G Chandraprabha from Mandya district and a 
former student of state repertory Rangayana, Mysore, ventured into the task of 
directing a Kannada play 'Kaanada Kadalige' (unseen coast) written by famous 
litterateur G S Shivarudrappa, where all the actors are visually challenged 
Read more: Blind but bright - The Times of India

Overcoming disability, she's a winner in life!

NAGPUR: Sangita Takone is the voice and sound of her daughter. Call it her 
mother's grit and determination, Radha - who was hearing impaired at birth - is 
now a picture of head held high and stands tall among equals.

Hearing-impaired youth wins UK scholarship

CHENNAI: Tracing his family history to three generations yielded no answers to 
25-year-old B S R Rajaram on his congenital hearing impairment. One of the 
eight national winners of the British Council IELTS Scholarship Awards,

Blind achiever walks a lonely path

Twenty-six- year old Siddu S Lohte is blind by birth, and nurses a vendetta of 
sorts. He wants to pass IAS and serve as Deputy Commissioner in Belgaum to 
prove a point to his family that virtually banished him.

Walk the talk with cerebral palsy kids

BANGALORE: Many of them were confined to the wheelchair. They came with their 
parents and doctors. Still, children with cerebral palsy were made to wait for 
more than one hour in front of Raj Bhavan on Sunday. 

12-year-old fights genetic disorder, comes up trumps

CHENNAI: Few thalassaemia patients are as fortunate as Rahul (12), born with 
the genetic disorder that affects the red blood cells resulting in the 
inability of the body to produce the required amount of haemoglobin.

Mentally challenged children brought to SSG for checkup

VADODARA: Given the increase in swine flu cases in the city, four mentally 
challenged children from Home for Mentally Challenged and Destitute Children 
(HMDC) were brought to SSG Hospital for checkup to rule out swine flu.

Apeejay Institute of Mass Communication Organizes Eighth Film Festival " We 
Care" on Disability Today

New Delhi, 28 September 2010: Apeejay Institute of Mass Communication announces 
the eighth edition of the annual international travelling festival of 
documentary films on disability issues titled "We Care Film fest" from 
September 27th - 29th, 2010.

NGO offers help line for disabled

COIMBATORE: Finally, there is one place where all persons with disabilities 
(PWDs) can turn to - if not for all their needs, at least for most.

Speech and hearing impaired girl goes missing, fifth time in 5 months

In an unusual case, the police have issued a notice to the parents of a 
nine-year-old speech and hearing impaired girl after she went missing for the 
fifth time in the last five months from her Kurla residence.

Youth trying to rape mentally challenged girl thrashed

KANPUR: The local residents thrashed a youth who tried to rape a mentally 
challenged girl in Govindnagar on Saturday.

Disabled man held for hoax call

CHENNAI: A physically challenged man was arrested on Thursday evening for 
making a bomb threat call that turned out to be a hoax.
Read more: Disabled man held for hoax call - The Times of India

A year later, 4 BHU students held for ragging

Four students of Banaras Hindu University (BHU) in Varanasi have been arrested, 
one year after they assaulted and stripped a physically challenged youth and 
forced him to perform obscene acts that were even filmed by them.

A1: INDIA - Sports

Indian parathletes lose out in Commonwealth Games fiasco

NEW DELHI // Disabled athletes in India say chronic mismanagement of their 
sports has left many of them without decent equipment, training or preparation 
before next month's Commonwealth Games.

CWG: Swimmers yet to receive imported costumes; agencies deny responsibility

NEW DELHI: Para athletics is essentially an act of thumbing your nose at life's 
unfair ways. About 150 extraordinarily brave men and women, who routinely 
transcend various physical disabilities to achieve inspiring performances, will 
converge in Delhi 10 days from now, in pursuit of medals in 15 para events.

Para-swimmers left handicapped

The para-swimmers for the Commonwealth Games have been left severely 
handicapped. Reason? The coach in-charge of the training camp, VK Dabas, 
surfaced at the Games Village on Tuesday even as the team checked into the 
complex on Saturday.

'Only Rs 5 crore spent on disabled sportspersons for CWG'

Bangalore, Sep 1 (UNI) The authorities have spent only Rs 5 crore of the total 
Rs 15 crore allotted for disabled sportspersons preparing for the Commonwealth 
Games (CWG) to be held at New Delhi from October 3, National Centre for 
Promotion of Employment for Disabled People (NCPEDP) Honorary Director Javed 
Abidi said today.

Not one to be daunted by adversities

Finding the volunteers struggling to arrange a ramp for her at the press 
conference in the Games Village here on Friday, Danielle Brown slowly rose from 
her wheelchair, used her crutches and took a few steps to reach the dais.

Disability is no hurdle for archer Brown

New Delhi, Oct 1 (IANS) Few could imagine what para athlete archer Danielle 
Brown is poised to achieve. A debut gold medal at the 2008 Paralympics in 
Beijing, the four-time world champion is now set to become the first England 
paralympic athlete to compete in an able-bodied event in the Oct 3-14 
Commonwealth Games.



1 September 2010 - A senior United Nations official today called on all UN 
Member States to become party to the world body's landmark convention 
protecting the rights of the estimated 650 million people with disabilities, 
which has already acquired 146 signatories and 90 ratifications.

UN hosts disabilities conference to take stock and renew commitments

The United Nations on Wednesday began a three-day conference to review progress 
made in implementing a milestone convention designed to protect the rights and 
interests of disabled persons.

N.J. seeks to dismiss lawsuit alleging discrimination against people with 

New Jersey is too broke to move 1,850 people with develop mental disabilities 
out of institutions in the next five years, so a lawsuit demanding it do so 
should be dismissed, an attorney representing the state said today.

Markey bill aims to make latest technology accessible to deaf, blind

Call it the Americans with Disabilities Act for technology: a bill from U.S. 
Rep. Ed Markey, headed to President Barack Obama's desk and written to ensure 
the deaf and blind can fully participate in the digital age.

Disabled persons sidelined in elections

Disabled are socially excluded says Scope survey

Nine out of 10 people in Britain have never had a disabled person in their 
house for a social occasion, claims a survey from a disability charity.

Quadruple amputee swims across English Channel

PARIS - A Frenchman whose arms and legs were amputated swam across the English 
Channel this weekend using leg prostheses that have flippers attached.

Whittier Vons employee does `great job' in spite of disability

WHITTIER - Sovann Phlek provides service with a smile to shoppers at a local 
Vons. Unfortunately, the smiles returned by grateful customers cannot be seen. 
Phlek is blind.

Disabled man drives children to school for side income

KOTA BARU: He steers his car with his feet but it is not because he wants to 
show off. Rahim Yusoff, 44, was born without arms.

Teresa Lewis, Mentally Disabled Woman, To Be Executed In Virginia This Month

Teresa Lewis, a borderline mentally retarded woman charged with "masterminding" 
the murder of her husband and stepson in 2002, is slated to be the first woman 
in almost a century to be executed in Virginia this month.

Criminals preying on disabled people

Steven Hoskin had strong feelings about his killers. They had abused, exploited 
and humiliated him over a year, taking his money, treating him as their slave 
and making him wear his own dog's collar and lead.

Indian-origin dentist 'used dead man's disabled badge on car'

Read more: Indian-origin dentist 'used dead man's disabled badge on car' - The 
Times of India

C: RESOURCES - Newsletter, Publication,Journal, Guideline,Website

"Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities - A guide by Commonwealth 

To download this publication click here

'Keeping the Promise: Realizing the MDGs for Persons with Disabilities Towards 
2015 and Beyond'

Report available to download:


Enabling Access to Education through ICT

The Centre for Internet and Society (CIS), G3ICT, UN-GAID, ITU, UNESCO, Digital 
Empowerment Foundation, Society for Promotion of Alternative Computing and 
Employment and the Deafway Foundation is organizing an international 
conference, Enabling Access to Education through ICT in New Delhi from 27 to 29 
October 2010 at Magnolia Hall, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.

For details, visit:

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C. Mahesh
Advocacy Coordinator
CBR Forum
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"The issue is not the absence of equal rights but the inability to exercise 

"When Policies weaken, Rights must be strengthened"

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