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From: "BlindNews Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2007 8:39 AM
Subject: Woman fighting for blind people's rights

> Lancashire Evening Post (UK)
> Tuesday, December 04, 2007
> Woman fighting for blind people's rights
> By Melanie Wallwork
> Caption: Maria Pikulski is lobbying for the rights of blind people
> A woman from Leyland was fighting in Parliament for the rights of blind 
> people.
> Maria Pikulski, 46, of Fox Lane, is taking on the Government to demand 
> that blind people get the same amount of benefit payments as other people 
> with disabilities.
> She will address MPs - including Minister for Disabled People, Anne 
> McGuire, and the blind MP David Blunkett - during the visit.
> Maria, who used to work as a nurse, was diagnosed with Leber's Hereditary 
> Optic Neuropathy over four years ago and is now registered blind.
> Visually impaired people are currently excluded from claiming the higher 
> rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA), which 
> provides help to disabled people for getting around.
> The blind can only receive the lower rate of £17 per week whereas 
> wheelchair users can receive £45.
> Maria said: "We are not getting at people in wheelchairs, just using them 
> as an example. We have difficulties, especially with safety and feeling 
> vulnerable."
> Maria was a nurse at Chorley Hospital for 14 years. She now works 
> part-time for Action for Blind People and would like to become a
> Rehabilitation Officer with Visually Impaired people but says lack of
> cash has stopped her.
> She said: "Like many blind people, I honestly believe that I'm being 
> stopped from getting on in life."
> Maria's visit comes on the first anniversary of the biggest ever blind 
> people's lobby of Parliament - organised with the Royal National Institute 
> for the Blind and five other sight-loss charities.
> A compilation of audio diaries, recorded by blind people including Maria, 
> highlighting the real impact of their exclusion from the higher rate of 
> DLA will be presented to Anne McGuire.
> Two hundred and fifty three MPs have backed her calls for a change in DLA 
> rules, and it is hoped that others will now follow suit.
> Maria added: "They've got to look at it again and how we claim it - I 
> don't know why we have to fight for it. It would make a big difference in 
> letting us be independent instead of having to rely on other people."
> As for the future, Maria lives with her partner of 12 years, Richard 
> Moore, but says children are out of the question as she does not want to 
> pass on the condition.
> Last Updated: 04 December 2007 9:53 AM
> http://www.lep.co.uk/news/Woman-fighting-for-blind-people39s.3552004.jp
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