Dear all,
Sharing a piece regarding on RPD Act draft Rules. If we are not vigilant at
this stage, the gains of the Act will have no value at all.

Shampa Sengupta


*Post written by Shampa Sengupta *

*Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act* (RPD) was *passed*
December 2016 amidst cheers and joy. Though some activists were unhappy as
they wanted a law more inclined towards *United Nations Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities
the majority in the disability sector were hopeful. After all, many long
years of struggles had gone into getting this legislation passed. The
process of amending the existing *Persons with Disabilities Act* started in
1999 itself, just 4 years after the law was enacted.

So, the RPD Act seemed historical to us for many reasons. However, from the
very beginning, we knew it would be a daunting task to implement it. The
vast area that this law covers needs extremely careful handling so that
maximum benefit goes to the primary stakeholders – persons with

As we all know, one needs to formulate Rules so that the Act becomes
implementable. Hence we were quite happy when in the month of January 2017,
a *notice*
uploaded asking for suggestions from public to send suggestions for
Government Rules. The very fact that concerned ministry took this
initiative within 20 days of the RPD Act was passed at Lok Sabha brought in
hope that the Government was serious about early implementation of this
important law. As there was no “last date” mentioned in this notice, I sent
a mail asking for same. I was duly informed that these suggestions should
be sent within one month of the notification.

Since our ground level work is focused on women with disabilities, we
organised consultations and specifically discussed about all the
gender-related clauses of the RPD Act. We formulated a few recommendations
and sent them across. Within our limited resources, we tried to involve
people from the newer disabilities, so survivors of acid attack & members
of *Parkinson’s Welfare Society* were involved while drafting these

It is important to remember here that there are number of new categories of
disabilities included in this RPD Act and hence we felt that hearing their
voices while making suggestions for Rules is very important. Our
suggestions were sent in February within the one month time as mentioned by
concerned authorities. We did not get any acknowledgement from the
concerned department but we hoped that mails are opened by senior officers,
as in a country like India, it is not possible for stakeholders from
different parts of the country to go physically to offices in Delhi and
hand over important documents.

To our dismay, we saw that a Draft was uploaded in the *Social Justice
Ministry’s* website on 6th of March and we were asked to send comments on
it. This draft did not include a single one of our recommendations – it
actually excluded all the Clauses on Gender aspect of the law as well as
several other important clauses. In the notification dated 6th of March, we
were informed that Working Group have been formed to draft the Rules. Very
interestingly, only two members with disabilities from *Disabled Person’s
Organizations* (DPOs) were included in this Working Committee. Not a single
representation from newly added category of disability was involved in this
process. But it is very important for us to hear their voices as we do not
have direct experience of working with these groups.

However our dismay turned into anger when we saw yet another set of Draft
Rules uploaded in Ministry’s website on 10th March. Within a span of 1
week, there were two different drafts and this time, we were alarmed. A
close scrutiny of both Government Drafts showed that every single mention
of “private establishments” which the RPD Act had mandated to be made
accessible had been removed. A clear definition of “Neighbourhood schools”
and “Special Schools” had been removed – it felt that as though
the Education Chapter from RPD (Chapter III of RPD Act) did not exist.
Also, there was no mention of chapters like Social Security, Health,
Recreation etc. in any of the Government drafts.

One could see a pattern in omission and a bigger fear loomed large. The
Government which promised us number of things in the Parliament, was now
taking back their words. They seemed to be in a tearing hurry to notify the
Rules, (they claimed they wanted to initiate the Rules on Ambedkar Jayanti
– why Ambedkar Jayanti was fixed to make a law on Disability Rights
official is beyond our understanding). They are definitely bowing down to
pressures from different quarters and compromising on rights of disabled

I got an opportunity to discuss the Draft Rules at Delhi last week and came
to know that the missing Clauses of the RPD Act  will be included in a new
Disability Policy. That the department could think that a Policy will be
framed to implement an Act would have been laughable matter if the issue
was not this serious. While discussing why there’s nothing on Education in
the Draft Rules, we learnt that Education will be looked after by HRD
Ministry. Have we ever heard that Rules of a Law under Social Justice &
Empowerment Ministry be drafted by another Ministry? Isn’t it the Role of
the Nodal Ministry to draft the same?

It seems that Government of India is trying to evade its responsibilities
towards its disabled citizens. It’s heartbreaking that they are making
mockery of an Act that was enacted after years of struggle and resistance.
So, within three months of the RPD Act being passed, DPOs and disability
groups are once again starting to agitate. And our struggle will go on.
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