The Hindu

Now, top universities offer free courses on the Web
Paromita Pain

Courses are taught through weekly new videos and quizzes

Some of the top universities in the U.S are offering free courses on the Web 
not just for individual students but also for other universities to adopt.

Earlier this year, MIT announced its engineering course that comes with a 
certificate on completion. Universities like Stanford are offering free online 
courses as well.

Stanford Engineering Everywhere ( has modules on 
Programming Methodology, Programming Abstractions, and Programming Paradigms, 
as a part of a three-course Introduction to Computer Science which is taken by 
most Stanford undergraduates and was developed to reach out to students 

Built under the Creative Commons licence that allows for free use and 
adaptation of the material, colleges too can use them to supplement classroom 

Last year, a free online class on artificial intelligence 
(, conducted by Sebastian Thrun, Research Professor of 
Computer Science at Stanford University, and Peter Norvig, Director of Research 
at Google Inc, attracted over 58,000 students from around the world. The class 
ran from October 10 to December 18, 2011. Students who successfully completed 
the course were given a statement of accomplishment. From high school learners 
to retired people, the age groups were widely varied. Though the enrolment for 
this course is closed for now, the course material can be accessed at overview.

For those who want to learn how to build search engines and web application 
engineering, courses taught by Sebastian Thrun are available at There are teams of voluntary translators, the videos 
are available in languages other than English as well. Two classes, the CS101 
Building a Search Engine and CS373 Programming a Robotic Car, will soon be 
offered on the site.

While the courses are taught through weekly new videos and quizzes, exams are 
personalised to prevent cheating.

Coursera ( is another interactive learning program 
that has subjects from various universities such as the University of 
Pennsylvania, Princeton and University of Michigan. The website runs various 
modules along with subjects as varied as "introduction to sociology" to "the 
ways vaccines work," with the mandatory computer sciences lessons between 

Started by Andrew Ng and Daphne, two Stanford computer scientists, whose free 
internet courses attracted a wide audience, Coursera has an innovative 
student's platform where students from different parts of the world post 
answers to questions asked.

Some of the courses do not have set durations. So the students can pace the 
modules themselves, which helps in gaining in-depth knowledge about a subject 
or even find out what a particular topic might involve. For example, students 
interested in studying pharmacology would want to look at the module of 
"Fundamentals of Pharmacology" in Coursera from the University of Pennsylvania 
to understand what greater study of the field might entail.

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                                (Rajesh Asudani)
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