New Delhi: In 2012, a 30-year-old mentally challenged woman was molested by
a cook in a government mental hospital in Kolkata. When the news spread and
a first information report was filed, a group of women’s rights activists
approached the hospital’s medical superintendent. His response was, “This
girl used to run after all the male workers of this hospital. Mentally ill
women usually cannot control their sexual urge. I am worried about my male
staff.” In another case in 2000, a girl with hearing and speech impairment
was raped in a prison van by two policemen in Kolkata. When a
non-governmental organization approached the officer in charge of the
police station, he said, “We do not mind helping you with other cases, but
this is about a deaf girl. And we all know these people are more sexually
active; it was she who started, I cannot treat this case as
rape.” These are not isolated cases. When it comes to sexuality, people
with disabilities face a very ironic situation—on the one hand, society
treats them as asexual, and on the other, people call them hypersexual. In
South Asia, the sexuality of women in general is largely contained. The
sexuality of disabled women is conveniently ignored—which activists claim
has resulted in the denial of even recognizing their sexual and
reproductive rights. The demand for rights stems from the fact that people
with disabilities, particularly women, have been subjected to sexual
segregation, sexual confinement, marital prohibition and legally sanctioned
sterilization—all under the guise of protecting the patient from sexual
abuse. “Almost 80% of women with disabilities are victims of violence and
they are four times more likely than other women to suffer sexual
violence,” said a report submitted by Disabled People’s International
(India) and its partners to the Committee on the Elimination of
Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in September 2013. As per Census 2011,
the disabled account for 2.21% of India’s population, or 26.8 million
people. Of these, 11.8 million are women. Disability activists say this
count underestimates the actual number. The World Health Organization,
which uses a wider definition of disability— including conditions such as
diabetes and cardiovascular disease—estimates that 6-10% of the population
suffers from identifiable physical or mental disability. This works out to
more than 70 million people in India. There is hardly any data by the
government on violence against disabled women. When girls with disabilities
reach puberty, parents look for ways to protect them from sexual abuse and
unwanted pregnancy. Hysterectomy is often what they are told is the
solution. This practice became public knowledge in India in 1994 when
forced hysterectomies were conducted on 11 mentally challenged women
between the ages 18 and 35 in Pune. Consent was obtained from the guardians
and an irreversible surgery that was not medically recommended was carried
out. The practice continues with parents stealthily taking their daughters
to hospitals and getting them sterilized without their consent. As per UN
Principles for the Protection of Persons with Mental Illness and the
Improvement of Mental Health Care, 1991, consent must be “informed”. It is
the doctor’s responsibility to explain the benefits, risks and dangers,
possible side-effects, chance of success and the consequences of performing
and not performing the procedure as also all the alternatives to the
patient. But the situation on the ground is vastly different. “More than
the fear of abuse, it is the fear of discredit that the pregnancy will
bring to the families,” says Nandini Ghosh, assistant professor at the
Institute of Development Studies, Kolkata. “Most cases of abuse don’t
happen in public places but inside homes, institutes, hospitals,” she says.
At a Kolkata mental hospital, female patients were found naked in the ward
in 2008, shocking a woman who had gone to visit her mother, a patient.
According to hospital authorities, this was because their clothes had been
sent for washing. “Women in mental hospitals are dressed in loose frocks
tied at the waist, oversized unisex gowns. They are forcibly tonsured or
their hair cropped close to the skull. Patients are covertly discouraged to
keep themselves clean and attractive on grounds that they could sexually
provoke members of the male ward. Their treatment defeminizes them,
dehumanizes them,” says a report titled ‘Violence Against Women with
Disabilities’ submitted to the UN Special Rapporteur Rashida Manjoo by
Women With Disabilities India Network, national research trust Samarthyam
and Human Rights Law Network (HRLN) in April 2013. Even though it was the
norm to not allow male and female cousins to sleep in the same room after
they had attained puberty, disabled rights activist Anita Ghai who is
herself a wheelchair user, remembers how she was the only child in the
family who was allowed to share a room with her male cousins. “Then I used
to think, I have some special privilege over other cousins…but when I grew
up, I realized they thought I was asexual. Our bodies might not be
beautiful but the inner desires are the same,” Ghai says. Ghai who conducts
workshops on sexuality and is part of an online distance education
programme run by feminist human rights organization CREA, says parents
think it is a sin for their children with disabilities to masturbate and
want easy solutions to stop them. Since most information about sex is
acquired covertly and is influenced by peers and the media, people with
disabilities may experience limitations in knowledge and communication
about sex and sexual behaviour due to their isolation from mainstream
society, says Renu Addlakha of the Centre for Women’s Development Studies.
“Sex education programmes for the disabled have by and large targeted the
mentally disabled who are regarded as particularly vulnerable to sexual
victimization due to difficulties in general understanding and social
judgement. But it is not only the mentally disabled who require special sex
education programmes,” writes Addlakha in ‘A Training Manual for
Professionals Working with Adolescents and Young People with Physical
Disabilities’ (2005). “One needs to understand that persons with
disabilities are mostly denied their sexual rights. But their biological
needs are same as others. Sometimes, they do not know where and how to
behave. For example, one can see adolescents with mental disabilities
trying to masturbate in public—we need to teach them when and where this is
acceptable,” says Sruti Disability Rights Centre’s Shampa Sengupta. The
right to marry and have a family, on the basis of free and full consent, is
a right enshrined in international human rights law and UN treaties to
which India is a signatory. India is also a signatory to the Biwako
Millennium Framework for action towards an inclusive, barrier-free and
rights-based society. India has also signed and ratified the UN Convention
on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with
Disabilities. India as a signatory has full responsibility to ensure that
persons with disabilities are not excluded. In the health sector, women
with disabilities require certain alterations in the present diagnostic and
clinical approaches like wheelchair accessible mammography equipment or
universally accessible exam tables. Activists say because they are
invisible as a focus group, they remain excluded from gender-specific
health programmes, health awareness, preventive health care, family
planning services and sexual and reproductive health programmes. Women with
disabilities are hardly referred for screening tests to prevent
gynaecological or breast-related medical disorders. A World Bank study
revealed that women with disabilities are 13-50% less likely to receive
health care and assistive devices compared with men with disabilities. In
India, the landmark The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities,
Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act was passed only in 1995.
It defines a disabled person as one with not less than 40% of any
disability as certified by a medical authority. The Act recognizes seven
categories of disabilities—blindness and low vision, leprosy-cured, hearing
impaired, locomotory disability, mental retardation and mental illness. In
1999, the National Trust for the Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral
Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act was passed but it
has limited scope. Activists say much more is required. In April 2010, the
ministry of social justice and empowerment finally constituted a committee
to draft new legislation in line with the United Nations Convention on
Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). A draft Bill was submitted to
the ministry in June 2011 and included in a comprehensive section on the
reproductive rights of disabled women. However, a revised version of the
draft Bill completely cut down the sections on women and children with
disabilities, with a passing mention that all programmes will be made
sensitive to gender and children’s needs. Ghosh of Institute of Development
Studies says, “Disabled people are always thought of as dependants and
policies are made for people who can give back when you invest on them.
Whatever progress India has made in these years is because of international
pressure. That resulted in policy for livelihood and education among the
disabled because these are the markers a country can use to show change to
the outside world. Abuse, sexuality, reproductive rights have been put
under wraps.” “The parts removed from the draft Bill need to be brought
back because that will give the bill more teeth,” says Seema Baquer,
consultant on disability issues with Concerned Action Now. After the parts
were removed, several organizations formed a coalition opposing this move.
The group has sent recommendations to a Parliamentary standing committee,
which was formed months after the Bill was stalled in the last session of
the last government. All the laws and policies so far have been more or
less gender-blind. “If the Bill is passed in this form, the law would have
failed to internalize the key message of the disability rights
movement—that disability has to be understood from the perspective of a
social model and that there cannot be discrimination amongst persons with
disabilities,” says advocate Jayna Kothari of the Centre for Law and Policy
Research, Bengaluru. To add to all this, adoption laws in the country have
not been modified to enable adults with disabilities to adopt children in
situations where the parents suffer from a genetic disability. And marriage
and motherhood are almost a no-no for women with disabilities—in fact, much
more than it is for men. Annulment of marriage on account of disability is
a major factor for women with disabilities. There are more divorced wives
with disabilities than husbands with disabilities. In what several states
conceived as a bid to encourage able-bodied people to marry people with
disabilities, a scheme of incentivizing marriage with a disabled person was
introduced first in 1994. The scheme paid a grant of Rs.15,000 to a
disabled spouse. The amount has been raised to Rs.50,000 now and the scheme
is operational in Goa, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. “It is commodification
of women. These men take the money, leave these women and then remarry,”
says Samarthyam’s Anjlee Agarwal. Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre’s
Asha Hans agrees, “It is undignified. It hurts their self-esteem that
people have been paid to marry them. It is like reverse dowry. Men take
money and then leave them.” Disabled rights activist and director of
National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People in India,
Javed Abidi, says, “India has an ostrich-like approach. It’s ignoring this
population at whose cost? You are not realizing that it’s an economic, a
development issue. Disability is limited to being a charity and welfare
issue.” Anita Ghai says it is a long fight—of not only pushing legislation
or policies, but also changing the mindset in the country. “Before anything
else, we need to be treated as normal human beings. If we are still denied
accessibilty, how do we expect getting our sexuality rights? It is a long
fight for me— for all of us. After all, personal is political,” she says.

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