Dear friends,
Thank you so much to access-India staffs and other friends  for welcoming me in 
this new world. here I have to learn a lot from you all.

Top 10 Most-Positive Habits of Life

1.Set goals. Did you know that the most successful people all share the common 
positive habit of goal setting? A study was done to determine the importance of 
goal setting. College students who had gone on to achieve great success in 
business were asked to list their habits. The students who had made a habit of 
setting goals were in the top 3% of earnings in the population! It is almost 
impossible to overestimate the value of goal-setting as a positive habit. Goal 
setting is simple, yet 97% of the population never do it. By making goal 
setting a positive habit, you can start placing yourself in the top 3% of the 
population of successful people.

2. Stop worrying. Worry occurs in your imagination, not in reality. Worry is a 
function of fear, and fear is your subconscious’s way of telling you that it is 
uncomfortable with something and your subconscious will make you miserable 
until the problem goes away… but the problem is that worrying doesn’t solve 
anything. The quickest way (in fact the only way) to resolve something that 
bothers you is to act in the present, in reality, outside the context of your 
fear. Inside its context… you could wrestle with it forever, and it will only 
make you unhappy and powerless.

3. Appreciation. It is easy to take things for granted, especially if you’re 
not exactly where you want to be in life. But, even when you’re not where you 
want to be, there is still plenty to be grateful for. I try to take time each 
day to reflect on what I’ve accomplished, what I have in my life, and just 
appreciate all of it.

4. Don’t be afraid by failure. In order to succeed, first you have to try. If 
your fear of fiasco is greater than your desire to succeed, odds are good that 
you won’t try, and therefore cannot succeed.
What’s the worst that could realistically happen, and how much of it is in your 
Again, this becomes an exercise in spotting how much your ego rules you. The 
idea here is to become the person whose ego serves them- because your ego is an 
incredibly powerful and amazing part of you- but it can be a cruel master if 
you choose to serve it.

5. Find a good mentor. Everyone needs at least one good role model. A mentor is 
a person that one can look up to, usually seen as a trusted counselor or guide. 
All the successful people I have ever known have had a mentor at some point in 
their life, someone who taught them and encouraged them to take risks with new 

6. Start everyday with a positive mind-set. Upon awakening make the commitment 
to face the day and whatever it brings with a positive frame of mind. Prepare 
yourself for the fact that everything may not go smoothly or as planned, and be 
willing to handle any challenges you’re faced with (we know there will be some).

7. Practice gratitude. Be grateful for and focus on the good things you have in 
your life. Many of us get in the habit of sweating the “small stuff” and let it 
get in the way of appreciating the important things – family, friends, good 
health, freedom and the many opportunities we enjoy. When we let that happen it 
downplays the fact that we really do have much to be grateful for.

8. Cultivate patience. No matter how motivated you are, things do not always 
happen immediately or when you want them. Therefore it is absolutely imperative 
to develop great patience, and allow your goals to manifest naturally.

9. Always learn something new. Make a conscious effort to keep your brain 
active and functioning at optimum levels. Learn a new vocabulary word or a new 
piece of information as often as you can. It will keep you sharp and alert.

10. Respect and treat your body right. Your body will treat you as you treat 
it, so it’s vital that you get out with it and keep it healthy. What’s more, 
exercise reduces stress, helps you rest better, sharpens your mind, lengthens 
your life, and improves its’ quality
With exercise, your body becomes stronger, your energy levels go up, your bones 
become stronger… and with an active sense of play, exercise can be just plain 
fun. It doesn’t necessarily follow that more is better. Too much can be worse 
than not enough- it can lead to injuries and other 

If you have any interesting/informative tips or articles, please send/forward 

Mobile: 9840228250.

Skipe: speak-sarav

Waiting for your replies and comments.

Thanks with regards


English teacher.

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