Naresh Chandra Saxena ( was posted at the IAS
academy for eight years and trained several batches of the IAS. He
retired as secretary, Planning Commission in 2002.

The decision to recruit experts from the open market in certain
departments at the level of joint secretaries is not enough to
radically professionalise the civil service. Internal specialisation
must be promoted by insisting on stable tenure in the states so that
there is incentive for the Indian Administrative Service officers to
acquire expertise in their chosen sectors. Also, the IAS officers
should take the entry of the outsiders as a challenge, because if they
do not improve their performance, there could be repetition of such
recruitment every year.

A shorter and abridged version of this note was published in the
National Herald on 17 June 2018 titled “The IAS Is Not Really

The Government of India (GoI) has decided to recruit 10 outstanding
individuals from the open market with expertise in the areas of (i)
revenue; (ii) financial services; (iii) economic affairs; (iv)
agriculture, cooperation and farmers’ welfare; (v) road transport and
highways; (vi) shipping; (vii) environment, forests and climate
change; (viii) new and renewable energy; (ix) civil aviation; and (x)
commerce. Their initial appointment would be for three years and
extendable up to five years depending upon their performance. They
would work at the level of the joint secretary, a post normally
occupied by the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) or central service
officers. It is a crucial level of senior management in the GoI
administration, as joint secretaries lead policymaking, design
programmes, and monitor their implementation.

This initiative to prefer specialists over career bureaucrats has been
hailed as a bold and radical step by some who argue that it would
bring in fresh and vibrant ideas, expose the top civil service to
competition, and promote better policy formulation based on expert
domain knowledge. On the other hand, many have condemned the bypassing
of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) as an attempt to
facilitate the backdoor entry of people committed to the present
government’s ideology, or recruit employees working for those
industrialists who are close to the ruling party.

Game Changer?

It is difficult at this stage to guess the intention of the
government; whether this decision is targeted at roping in the best
talent from outside to nurture the civil services, or to stifle the
independence of the bureaucracy by making it subordinate to the
ideologues of the ruling party. However, certain facts may help us
assess the situation more objectively.

One, in the past too, experts had been inducted at senior positions in
government, generally without any advertisement. Many of them, such as
Manmohan Singh, Bimal Jalan, Lovraj Kumar, Vijay Kelkar, Montek Singh
Ahluwalia, Rakesh Mohan, Jairam Ramesh, and Arvind Subramanian made a
very good impact and contributed substantially in senior positions.
The fact that some of them later joined the ruling party and served as
ministers did not invite criticism of their past contribution when
they served as joint secretary or secretary. Nor was the regime
criticised for recruiting party-friendly professionals. Russi Mody
from the Tata Group headed Air India back in 1993 and, in 2002, former
Bombay Suburban Electric Supply (BSES) Chairperson and Managing
Director (CMD) R V Shahi was made the power secretary for five years.
As a general rule, scientific ministries such as those of space or
atomic energy are less hierarchically organised and have resorted to
lateral entry more liberally. Thus, the experiment of inducting
outsiders in government is not new. The second Administrative Reforms
Commission too had recommended lateral entry at senior positions. It
is likely that some of the joint secretaries who would be recruited
through the new process are already working as consultants in the same

Two, only 10 positions have been advertised as against a total
strength of about 400 joint secretaries in the central government.
This should not cause any insecurity in the minds of UPSC-recruited
career bureaucrats that it would minimise their scope for promotion.

Three, there is an acute shortage of middle-level IAS officers with 18
to 25 years of seniority, as the annual recruitment to the IAS in the
1990s was curtailed to just about 60 to 70 as against the present
recruitment of about 180 per batch. This was done under an illusion
that the economic liberalisation would vastly reduce the need for
central staffing. However, the reverse happened, as with enhanced
revenues GoI expanded its role not only in the social sector, such as
for the anti-poverty programmes, education, health, and tribal
welfare, but also in many new emerging sectors such as
telecommunications, information technology, climate change, and road
transport. Due to the overall shortage, most states are unwilling to
release senior IAS officers for central deputation, leading to a
bizarre situation where a railway traffic officer works as joint
secretary, health, and an ordnance service employee finds himself in
the Ministry of Tribal Affairs!

IAS Performance

Temporary shortages apart, the larger issue is: Have the IAS officers
been found deficient in their role as policy advisers? Do these
officers possess the necessary domain knowledge so essential for
effective policymaking and delivery? Historically, the IAS was needed
because India is a union of states, has a federal system, with all
essential subjects with which the people are concerned, such as
education, health, agriculture, water, housing, and police, being
dealt with at the state level, but largely supervised and funded by
the centre. A common civil service not only facilitates coordination,
but also helps in national integration as almost half the IAS cadre in
each state consists of outsiders. A rigorous process of recruitment
for the higher civil services ensures that the best talent available
in society joins the civil service in India.

A capable public service is essential for creating a favourable
investment climate and facilitating people’s participation in economic
life. As countries become more globalised, governments face
increasingly complex and cross-cutting issues, such as economic
volatility, climate change and migration. The wide use of the internet
has made citizens more aware and impatient, puting public servants
under greater public scrutiny. Against this backdrop, public service
delivery has acquired new dimensions as governments need to respond
not only to changes in the global environment, but also to the demands
of an active citizenry. Formulating integrated policies and their
effective implementation would require an adaptable and efficient
public service that can anticipate emerging challenges and ensure that
potential strategies are informed by better understanding of future
contexts. It must also learn to empower people and be able to work
with them, as traditional vertical accountability systems can act as a
major impediment to working across boundaries (O’Flynnet al 2011).

Despite initial competence and enthusiasm, the hard reality is that
many civil servants in the course of the 30 years of their career lose
much of their dynamism and innovativeness, and end up as mere
pen-pushers and cynics, with no faith in their own contribution to
public welfare. A high degree of professionalism ought to be the
dominant characteristic of a modern bureaucracy. The fatal failing of
the Indian bureaucracy has been its low level of professional
competence. The IAS officer spends more than half of their tenure on
policy desks where domain knowledge is a vital prerequisite. However,
quick transfers from one post to the other in many states dampens the
desire to learn. In Uttar Pradesh (UP) the average tenure of an IAS
officer in the last 10 years is said to be as low as six months. In
the Indian Police Service (IPS) it is even lower, leading to the
wisecrack that “if we are posted for weeks all we can do is to collect
our weekly bribes.”

With this environment prevailing in many states, there is no incentive
for a young civil servant to acquire knowledge or improve their
skills. There is, thus, an exponential growth in both their ignorance
and their arrogance. It is said that in the house of an IAS officer
one would find only three books: the railway timetable, because they
are always being shunted from one post to the other, a current affairs
magazine because that is their level of interest, and of course, the
civil list that describes the service hierarchy! An important factor
that contributes to the surrender of senior officers before political
masters is the total lack of any market value and lack of alternative
employment potential.1 Beyond government, they have no future, because
their talents are so few. Most IAS officers, thus, end up as dead wood
within a few years of joining the service and their genius lies only
in manipulation and jockeying for positions within the government.

This service is primarily responsible for India’s failure to achieve
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in hunger, health, malnutrition,
sanitation, and gender, as most IAS officers can neither design
effective programmes nor can they implement them with accountability.
Some decades ago, one used to compare India with China and Sri Lanka,
but these countries have left India far behind as far as development
goals are concerned. On social indicators, India unfortunately does
worse than countries even poorer than India, like Bangladesh and
Vietnam (Table 1).

Credible Reporting

Though the IAS is failing on many fronts, here one would like to
concentrate only on two issues that are exclusively under its domain:
monitoring of programmes and flow of funds.

At present, officials at all levels spend a great deal of time in
collecting and submitting information, but these are not used for
taking corrective and remedial action or for analysis, but only for
forwarding to a higher level, or for answering Parliament/assembly
questions. Moreover, outcomes are hardly measured and the system gets
away with inflated reporting. Pratham, a voluntary organisation, has
evolved a simple test in education at a low cost, which judges the
extent of learning in primary schools. Their findings show that the
actual learning levels of students are abysmally low and declining.
However, the states neither accept Pratham’s findings nor monitor
quality of learning themselves.

There is great pressure on the field staff to spend the allotted
funds, but not in terms of long-term results, because those are not
monitored. Thus, financial planning is divorced from physical
planning. Equally, state governments do not discourage reporting of
inflated figures from the districts, which again renders monitoring
ineffective. As data are often not verified or collected through
independent sources, no action is taken against officers indulging in
bogus reporting. The practice is so widespread in all the states,
presumably with the connivance of senior officers, that the overall
percentage of severely malnourished (gradeIII andIV) children in the
0–3 age group according to the data reaching GoI from the states is
only 2%, as against 9.4% reported by United Nations Children’s Fund
(Unicef) in its survey. The field officials are, thus, able to escape
from any sense of accountability for reducing malnutrition. Figures
from some states show their children to be as healthy as in Denmark
and Sweden! (Table 2)

One district head, when confronted with this kind of bogus figures,
told me that reporting correct data is “a high-risk and low-reward
activity”! Manmohan Singh as Prime Minister called the government’s
performance in combating malnutrition a “national shame,” but he was
not able to persuade the state bureaucracy to accept that the problem

The sad story of fudging of data by the field staff got a great deal
of publicity when the census report in 2011 brought forth the
startling revelation that about 3.5 crore rural toilets built
 in the last 10 years at the household level were missing. In some
states, like Madhya Pradesh, UP and Tamil Nadu, the number of missing
toilets was more than 60%.2

Flow of Funds

Many state governments, especially the poor ones, are neither able to
draw their entitled funds from the GoI, nor are they able to release
these to the districts/villages in time, with the result that the GoI
is often constrained to divert the unclaimed funds to
better-performing states. The reason for poor performance by Bihar,
Odisha, UP, and Assam is often due to the widespread shortage of staff
at all levels, adversely affecting implementation and supervision of
programmes. Among the states, the record of Bihar is atrocious in
using central funds. In the Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme
alone, it lost about ₹ 540 crore of central assistance during
1994–2005. Even salaries were not paid on time in Bihar in the
pre-Nitish Kumar (currently the chief minister of the state) era. An
evaluation of the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) in
Bihar in 2007 by Unicef showed that only less than 10% of anganwadi
workers (AWWs) received their honorarium regularly; most receive it
only twice in a year rather than monthly. Another study by UNICEF
showed that only 18% of officials in Jharkhand working at the
grass-roots level are paid their salaries on time (Saxena 2017).

It is also observed that the contractual staff in centrally sponsored
schemes, such as the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), ICDS and National
Health Mission do not receive their emoluments regularly. For
instance, 39% of contract teachers received their monthly salaries
with a delay of three months and more (AI 2015). Even electronic
transfers take months with the result that in the mid-day meals
programme ground staff such as cooks and helpers are not paid for
months, the Food Corporation of India (FCI) withholds supply of grain,
and mid-day meals are served only for 60%–70% of the working days in
some states. Similar delays take place in supply of textbooks in SSA,
filling up of vacancies (especially in the remote and tribal areas),
capital works, funds for maintenance, etc. Empirical studies are
needed to suggest what changes are needed in financial procedures at
the state level so that utilisation of funds improves, timely payments
are made to the staff, and utilisation reports are sent to the GoI in
time without delay.

The Inverted Pyramid

Coming back to the issue of lateral entry, the fear that the outsider
joint secretary would be ideologically inclined to the present regime
needs to be judged in the context of the mushrooming growth of
“committed” bureaucracy (I would place their number as between 25% and
50% of the total, depending upon the state) that has taken place over
the decades for a variety of reasons. The most important of these
reasons being cut-throat competition that exists in the IAS for
important positions both at the state and central levels.

Due to the control that the IAS lobby exerts on the system, a large
number of redundant posts in the super-time and superior scales have
been created to ensure them quick promotions. Often a senior post has
been split, thus diluting and diminishing the scale of
responsibilities attached with the post. For instance, in UP, against
the post of one chief secretary, there are 18 officers now in
equivalent but far less important posts drawing the same salary. This
inverted pyramid (too many people at the top and too few in the middle
and lower rungs) has apparently been created to avoid demoralisation
due to stagnation, but the net result has been just the opposite.

First, it leads to cut-throat competition within the service to grab
the important slots. The old camaraderie has vanished. Instances are
not lacking when IAS officers wanting plum jobs have gone to the
politicians denigrating their competitors. Second, this
no-holds-barred competition is then exploited by politicians in
playing up one against the other, leading to officers becoming more
pliable. The lure of after-retirement sinecures further increases the
number of those who would be willing to crawl when asked to bend.

However, getting only 10 joint secretaries from the open market is not
enough to radically professionalise the civil service. The government
needs to promote internal specialisation by insisting on stable tenure
in the states so that there is incentive for the IAS to acquire
expertise in their chosen sectors. An IAS officer who has seen the
plight of patients at the district level and has also worked in the
state medical department would be a far more effective joint secretary
in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare than a doctor with
specialisation in just one narrow subject. But, it is
counterproductive to fill up senior positions with career civil
servants who do not have previous experience in that broad field.
Therefore, after the first 10 years of service, each IAS officer
should be encouraged to specialise in one or two chosen sectors by not
only giving them long tenures, but even permitting them to join
academic or research organisations where they could improve their
intellectual skills. The IAS officers should take the entry of 10
outsiders as a challenge because if they do not improve their
performance, there could be repetition of such recruitment every year.

The present proposal would not have attracted adverse criticism had
the UPSC been involved in the recruitment process. One can only hope
that the selection committee set up by the GoI would be impartial,
objective and transparent, and puts up the curriculum vitae of
selected candidates online to establish their credibility.

Summing up, one welcomes 10 experts from the open market, but
professionalising the rest of the 390 joint secretaries requires
greater attention. This needs wider administrative reforms by
addressing issues of governance at the state and district levels.


1 Of late, some senior officers are being hired by the private sector,
not so much for their professionalism, but for their ability to
influence the government in favour of the hiring company.



AI (2015): Fund Tracking Survey (PAISA), Accountability Initiative,

O’Flynn, J L, D A Blackman and J Halligan (2011): Working across
Boundaries: Barriers, Enablers, Tensions and Puzzles, =1927666.

Saxena, Naresh Chandra (2017): Governance and Inclusive Development in
India, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.

UNICEF (2007): Evaluation of ICDS in Bihar, Patna.

— (2014): Rapid Survey on Children, 2013–14, New Delhi.

— (2017): The State of World’s Children, New York.

Avinash Shahi
Doctoral student at Centre for Law and Governance JNU

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