[Nicholas Staff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,         Tue, 2 Aug 2005 06:29:46 -0700]:
> what benefits do you see being realized from having the ability to
> access The Internet via email considering the current and proposed
> infrastructures?

In my case, I have direct internet access for free at my work.  Still
I like to use Accmail methods for some things, primarily because it
suits my way of working, and because sending mails is simple, even in
scripts - just cat something to sendmail, or use a little elisp to run
gnus on some files.

In particular, I have long used mails sent to myself for things like
to-do lists, even before I learnt about accmail possibilities; as a
consequence I have a proven system for automatically sending mails to
me or others at set times; and that means that anything that can be
achieved by sending mails can easily be automated for me.


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