Hello accmailers ...

Requests from post.su and maul.ru email addresses have
been causing us some difficulties recently. Typically,
numerous large binary files have been rejected at the
SMTP stage and bounced back to us, resulting in an
unnecessary load on our server.

Starting now, www4mail at szs.net will not respond to
requests from post.su and maul.ru email addresses.

We regret the inconvenience to our post.su and maul.ru
users, but it is also important that we manage the
server effectively, to ensure continued use by as many
people as possible.

Here is the list of mail servers that do not play nice
with www4mail`at`szs.net -

* All Yahoo servers
* com.sa
* maul.ru
* post.su

::: SZS :::

To contribute to the discussion, email to accmail@listserv.aol.com
To unsubscribe, email to the *admin* address [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with UNSUBSCRIBE ACCMAIL as the message body.
WWW: http://emailonly.szs.net/

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