I had a weird weekend trying to get coverage testing up for my Observe
implementation and in the process found out that it had not implemented the
required congestion control.  As part of this I had to go back and do a
careful read of RFC 7641 to get things right in my code and following that I
thought that this document really needs to have a discussion of congestion
control as well.  Part of this can be a reference to section 4.5.1 of RFC
7641 where we are using observe but we need to go through the document and
potentially look at some other places where we need to discuss congestion as

I will also note that observe does not guarantee that all messages will be
sent to a client, just that after a while it will have the most current
version of the content.  This means that there is a high probability that
clients will not get every update of key material if turn over is being done
at all quickly.


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