On Mar 12, 2005, at 6:46 PM, Ben Alex wrote:

Matt Raible wrote:

Here's a link to AppFuse's applicationContext-security.xml file - the filters are specified in the first bean at the top.


Matt, did you get it working in the end?


As the Contacts Sample is working, it points to configuration. I checked the URL above and couldn't see any issues with the filter configuration. Could another filter (SiteMesh?) be re-creating the HttpSession and conflicting with the session invalidation? Consider this:

1. HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter obtains Context from HttpSession and puts it in ContextHolder
2. Session invalidated during view
3. Some object/filter uses HttpServletRequest.getSession() or .getSession(true), which re-creates a new session
4. HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter obtains a session, and copies ContextHolder Context into it
5. On next request, HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter finds Context in the HttpSession

The above could explain the behaviour you're observing. Especially as you can ContextHolder.setContext(null) during step 2 and it achieves logout. I'd try commenting out all the other non-Acegi Security filters and progressively re-adding them.

I commented out *all* the filters I have, except for the FilterChainProxy:

<filter-class>net.sf.acegisecurity.util.FilterToBeanProxy</filter- class>


Then I changed logout.jsp to remove any references to tag libraries or JSP declarations:

<a href="mainMenu.html">mainMenu.html</a>

The strange thing is I can click on the mainMenu.html link and I'll see the main menu w/o being logged in. However, if I try to edit my profile (which uses request.getRemoteUser()), I get a NPE. Here's my "filterChainProxy" definition.

<bean id="filterChainProxy" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.util.FilterChainProxy">
<property name="filterInvocationDefinitionSource">
/ **=httpSessionContextIntegrationFilter,authenticationProcessingFilter,re moteUserFilter,anonymousProcessingFilter,securityEnforcementFilter


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