Hi Gert, Sander & AP-WG members,

Thank you for the email, and I am volunteering to serve the working group.

My name is Sean Stuart, and I have been working with enterprise and service
provider networks for the last 20 years.
My current role involves Internet peering, DNS root server placement, and
IP address management.  Wearing my IP management hat, I operate five LIR's
under three RIR's, and follow the policy development process in all three
I am very familiar with the policy development process in RIPE, and
appreciate the process and the work required to keep the process on track.
I also bring a neutral perspective to the role, as neither my employer nor
myself have any specific policy requests expected in the near future.
My goal is to ensure that the working group is able to continue to develop
policies that make sense to the organizations in the RIPE region for the
next several years.  I am familiar with the workload required, as well as
the role of the WG chair in keeping discussions on track and civil when

I hope to be able to serve the community as a WG chair.

Thank you,
Sean Stuart

On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 5:16 AM, Gert Doering <g...@space.net> wrote:

> Dear AP WG,
> as announced, my co-chairs of amazingly many years, Sander Steffann, will
> be stepping down as a WG chair at the next RIPE meeting.
> Our WG chair selection policy is described here:
> https://www.ripe.net/participate/ripe/wg/ap
> https://www.ripe.net/participate/ripe/wg/ap/address-policy-wg-chair-
> selection-process
> according to this, we'll spend a few minutes at the next APWG session
> in Marseilles to select a new co-chair.
> To avoid lengthy rounds of introduction at the meeting, I want to ask
> for volunteers here on the list - please step forward if you want to
> take up this work, and introduce yourself on why you think you're a
> good candidate and what your plans for the WG are for the next two years
> (or longer).
> A short recap of the WG chairs duties:
>  - chair the APWG session at the RIPE meetings
>    (so generally it is expected that both co-chairs can attend most
>     RIPE meetings and feel halfway confident talking on stage and
>     moderate a discussion)
>  - read - and if necessary, moderate - the APWG mailing list
>    (thus, fluency in written English is necessary, and while discussions
>     are going on, some amount time spent at least every few days)
>  - help policy proposers bring their policy proposal through the PDP
>    (answering questions, helping with the wording of proposed text,
>     spending some time discussing 'next steps' for a proposal)
>  - judge consensus at the end of discussion and review phases according
>    to our policy development process
>    (usually done by both co-chairs together, unless a conflict of interest
>     appears)
>  - help shape the format of RIPE meetings together with all the other
>    WG chairs and the RIPE PC - by mailing list and by attending the
>    "WG chair lunch" on RIPE meeting Thursdays
>  - see also: https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-692
> A definite plus for an APWG chair is "operational experience with these
> pesky numbers" - either by operating the address management side (LIR)
> of an Internet Service Provider or Enterprise network, or by being an
> address broker, etc.
> Sander and I have spoken to a few of you who would make good chairs already
> - but ultimately, it's up the working group to decide.  So even if you have
> spoken to us privately before, please speak up now.
> So, come forward, dear candidates and make yourself known! :-)
> Gert Doering
>         -- APWG chair
> --
> have you enabled IPv6 on something today...?
> SpaceNet AG                        Vorstand: Sebastian v. Bomhard
> Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14          Aufsichtsratsvors.: A. Grundner-Culemann
> D-80807 Muenchen                   HRB: 136055 (AG Muenchen)
> Tel: +49 (0)89/32356-444           USt-IdNr.: DE813185279

Thank you,
Sean Stuart
571-969-5707 cell

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