No matches were found for subject:"Re\: AYUSH \| PESA 1996 THE PROVISIONS OF THE PANCHAYATS \(EXTENSION TO THE SCHEDULED AREAS\) ACT, 1996No.40 OF 1996 Let us spread knowledge, let us do it together\! The Panchayat Extension of Scheduled Areas Act, 1996 \(PESA\) sets a different target to Gram Sabha. The enactment applies to Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Orissa. Consultation with the Gram Sabha is required in Scheduled Areas before land acquisition or any developmental projects which would involve effect on ‘Jal’ \(water\), ‘Jungal’ \(forests\) and ‘Jamin’ \(land\) as the control of these resources should remain in the hands of tribals AYUSH \| adivasi yuva shakti \| AYUSH awareness \| PESA act \(26 photos\) THE PROVISIONS OF THE PANCHAYATS \(EXTENSION TO THE SCHEDULED AREAS\) ACT, 1996No.40 OF 1996 An Act to provide for the extension of the provisions of Part IX of the Constitution relating to the Panchayats to the Scheduled Areas. Be"