RE: [admpub] COSPA

2004-12-03 Conversa Carlos Gonzlez Caldern
Hola, sobre aquest tema, paso la informaci que he rebut per part de Giancarlo 
Succi, responsable del projecte COSPA, convidant a la Secretaria de 
Telecomunicacions a formar part. 

Salutacions cordials

Carlos Gonzlez

COSPA, the Consortium for the Open Source in the Public Administration aims at 
analysing the effects of the introduction of Open Data Standards (ODS) and Open 
Source (OS) software for personal productivity and document management in 
European Public Administrations (PAs). The research methodology is mainly 
experimental. The work proceeds by the identification of key requirements, the 
definition of goals and issues to move to OS/ODS and by the quantitative 
experimentation of possible OS/ODS alternative to current proprietary desktop 
solution for personal productivity tools.

The project is currently underways; there are 15 partners, 8 out of which are 
EU public administrations its detailed status can be found at the URL: 

A first starting point for the experimentation has already been found in, the Open Source tool for Office Automation. We are working in 
the transition to it of about 5000 sites.

To widen the scope of the experimentation and the significance of the results, 
there are also additional Public Administrations that have joined COSPA as 
observers or as subcontractors.

Observers are voluntary organizations interested in the transitions and that 
access all the restricted COSPA material in exchange for letting COSPA 
analyzing the results of their transitions and sharing its experience with 

Subcontractors are Public Administrations that join COSPA with a contract. They 
get a support typically ranging from 3000 to 12000 to carry out the 
transition to Open Source on a number of desktops ranging from 300 to 1500 
according to the specifications set forth by the COSPA consortium, including 
the preparatory work, the installation of the monitoring tools, and the 
collection of the feedbacks from the employees.

Both Observers and Subcontractors of COSPA benefit from being constantly 
informed on the new development of COSPA, gets all the support documents and 
tools for doing and monitoring the transition according to the rules of COSPA. 
This results in significant savings and new opportunities for local economies!

Currently there are more than 20 observers and 3 subcontractors. We wonder if 
you could have a concrete interest in the project, and in particular to become 
either observer or subcontractors, or to distribute this information to other 
parties that could be interested in COSPA.  The procedure to become observer is 
available at the URL: We are 
planning to issue soon a new call for subcontractors, so please let me know if 
you are interested in this opportunity.

For your information, among the Observers of COSPA there are: University Of 
Alberta, Victoria University of Wellington, UNESCO, Sedgemoor District Council, 
IT Center Stockholm, Comune di Grosseto, A.N.A.P.R.I., Comune di Biella, CRC 
Liguria, Comune Riva del Garda, ISTAT, CNIPA, Gothenburg University, ATIX 
Software and Projects, National IT and Telecom Agency, Vaasa Polytechnic 
University, Istituto CIM della Svizzera italiana, Provincia di Asti.

We thank you in advance for widespreading in you network the news about COSPA/ 

Giancarlo Succi, PhD, PEng
Principal Investigator of COSPA

Professor and Director
Center for Applied Software Engineering
Faculty of Computer Science
Free University of Bozen
Dominikanerplatz 3 Piazza Domenicani
I-39100 Bozen, Italy
ph: +39(0471)016-131 - fax: +39(0471)016-009 - m: +39(320)922-4192

-Missatge original-
De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] En nom de Xavier Amatriain
Enviat: dimecres, 24 / novembre / 2004 11:47
Per a: Admpub
Tema: [admpub] COSPA

Alg sap de que va aix del COSPA - Consortium for Open Source in the Public 

M'ha arribat la pregunta per una altra banda i no en sabia res.

* Xavier Amatriain 
** Music Technology Group *
** IUA- Universitat Pompeu Fabra **
** **

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[admpub] [OT] Professor Seminari Octave

2004-12-03 Conversa Xavier Amatriain

Si coneixeu algun professor en condicions de fer un seminari d'Octave
(l'alternativa lliure a Matlab) de cert nivell (destinat a professors
universitaris) que es posi en contacte amb mi. Tot i que conec a
bastants usuaris o no se senten capacitats o no els interessa un
seminari d'aquestes característiques. Gràcies.

* Xavier Amatriain 
** Music Technology Group *
** IUA- Universitat Pompeu Fabra **
** **

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