On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 7:52 AM, Josh Glover <jmg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think achievements is a nice idea. I worked for a games company for
> a year, and I know that our players were really motivated by unlocking
> and earning new achievements.

As I said, from a personal perspective, I see them somewhat critical, But I
guess if they are done well and neither require mindless grinding nor are
simply collected by mindlessly playing the game there is nothing wrong with
them. They are easy enough to ignore, and sometimes I even find it
interesting to see what I unlocked after I am done with a game.

Implementation wise, the biggest obstacle must be the changes to the
dialogues (as a lot of triggers will have to be in those). Basically it
requires a functional dialogue editor. The one in the v0.3 source tree is
still based on GTK+ 1.x, so not sure whether it can be made to run. The one
in the v0.4 tools should fairly easily be compilable with GTK+ 3 even, but
is already adapted to the newer engine. It needs some shuffling of the two
to get one that is fit for the job.

> It's cool that you're putting a little time into Adonthell. At some
> point when I have some free time, I'd really love to port the game to
> a modern engine. I think the gameplay and art and world design is
> spectacular, and I'd like to focus on that aspect whilst offloading
> the heavy lifting to some code I don't have to maintain. :)

I'd still be interested in implementing the v0.4 plot. But even with a
readily available engine and tool set, there's still the issue of the art
assets. Well, better concentrate on what's achievable now and reach for the
stars later ... ;-)

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