On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 12:11 AM, Kai Sterker <kai.ster...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Implementation-wise, I am done with the C++ side (as far as I can tell)
> and nearly done with the UI on Python side (as you can see).

UI is complete.

> What remains is the implementation of each and everyone. Will commit stuff
> once that is also done.

Here, I ran into a problem, unfortunately. Before modifying the dialogues,
I was checking that the checked in dialogue sources did actually match the
checked in dialogue scripts. In doing so (by compiling them, then diffing
the results), I first discovered some more issues with dlgedit (which I
fixed), but I also found that some of the sources were not up-to-date. Glad
I checked! :-)

Problem is, after editing the source with dlgedit, saving and compiling
again, the result does no longer match the checked in dialogue. Looks like
saving in dlgedit is broken too. So more bughunting will be required before
I can finally implement the actual achievements.

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