Hallo Leif,

normally rebinding will be "really"  done , if you initiate a NEW backup.

Rebinding then covers all versions according to your  new retention parameters.

Pay also attention, if you use vmmc and  vmtclmc,  the latter one only defines
the destination storage pool and NOT the retention times (this is done via vmmc

rgds Michael

Michael.Malitz  @tsmpoweradmin.com

> Leif Torstensen <l...@athena.dk> hat am 13. Juni 2014 um 14:20 geschrieben:
> Hi
> I been looking into the backups tabel in tsm, to figure out why i have high
> difference in the occupancy for different TSM for VE backup. And I can see,
> that after I change a mgmtclass on the backup, I still have a lot of ctl and
> dat files with the old mgmtclass even if the files still is active
> I thought that the active files would be rebind with the new mgmtclass.
> Another issue is that the occupancy calculated on the reporting_bm is very
> different from day to day
> Anyone got any idea
> Leif Torstensen

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