If you use the Tivoli web site, it is changing.
Here is some info. I received Monday.
just passing it along, 

-----Original Message-----
From: Customer Support WEB Registration [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 8:56 PM
Subject: Important Update on the Tivoli Support Web Site Migration to

September 25, 2002

To:  All Registered Tivoli Customers World Wide

Subject: It's time to move to the new Tivoli web site!

Impact: Tivoli product support will soon only be available from IBM Online
Software Support - Only 37 days to go!

It's time!    We are now asking all Tivoli Web Support users to begin the
process of registration on the new IBM Online Support Site.    During the
last 30 days, we have received a few emails about our planned move.
Some concerns and some good questions were asked about the steps involved
in moving to this new site.    The concerns primarily have been about 'Ask
Tivoli' and the need to have a simple cross product search available on
IBM.    If you have not visited our new site yet, all information is
segmented into individual  product pages.   Each page is really  a complete
product reference for getting all available information for one product,
but they don't support searching across the solutions for several Tivoli

 In response to this feedback, we have updated the home page for Tivoli
support, with a new simple search bar.    To give it a try, here is the
 http://www.ibm.com/software/sysmgmt/products/support/   As you will see,
this search bar will ask you to provide key words and select a
topic.    You can select the high level topic, like 'Systems Management' or
a specific discipline within a category.    This will help you do broader
searches without getting records from the whole portfolio of IBM Software
Products.   This is really just a specific use of some significant new
search engine and data base indexing enhancements IBM.com deployed 3 weeks
ago.   We hope you like it as this is a more accurate level of search
isolation than we provided in Tivoli's support site.

To help with the special questions for registration, we are providing
attachments from this memo you can print off.  The Lotus and Microsoft
files both contain the same detail.  Please review these closely.
(See attached file: Registration Instructions MS.doc)(See attached file:
Registration Instructions WP.lwp)

If you do continue to use the www.tivoli.com/support site, you will begin
to see other changes.
-We will be removing the 'Ask Tivoli' feature during the month of
-We have migrated most content to IBM Online Software Support, and are
continuing to add hundreds of new items every month to the IBM site.
-The extensive reference materials for the IBM Tivoli Storage products are
all available from the IBM site with special references on the product
specific     pages.   The data on Tivoli.com/support for Storage products
is no longer being updated.
-The Tivoli problem submission tool will be removed by November 1st, or
shortly after.   This is replaced by ESR on IBM Online Software Support.
-Final content migrations are being addressed for the older downloads data,
but new downloads are being delivered to the IBM site.
-As we near the closing of the Tivoli.com/Support site, the URL's for all
the key areas will be transferred through redirects to the IBM site.

Thank you for all the feedback provided so far.     We are very interested
in your input and it continues to affect our current and future enhancement
plans for your online support options!   We know you placed a lot of value
in the Tivoli.com/support site and have appreciated all the positive survey
feedback provided in the past.    We know moving to a new information
layout presents some challenges, but once you've gained some familiarity,
we hope you find this a better total solution.    We also have a number of
common links always available in the 'Left' and 'Right' navigation bars, so
take a few minutes to get familiar with those options as well.    They will
help you shortcut your way to specific information, without needing to
retrace your steps to the home page.

As changes are delivered to both the Tivoli and IBM web site online support
locations, additional communications will be sent to you.   We also want to
hear from you as you find ways to improve this site.   Our Online Software
Support is not only getting a new look, but a much more significant focus
on continuing improvements and finding out how we can serve you better

As you do access the new Tivoli support location for IBM Online Software
Support, please note that a feedback option is always available in the left
navigation bar.

We value your business and are working to make this migration a positive
improvement in the level of online support you can expect from IBM.

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