   We just upgraded from TSM v4.x to TSM under Windows 2000
server.  The tape libraries are a Breecehill Q9.140 and a Q6.210
library, both with 3 DLT7000 drives.  Ever since the upgrade, migrations
from the disk pool to tape have resulted in very poor utilization to
tape.  Our data doesn't compress well, but we usually get about 35-40GB
per tape.  Now the tapes seem to be filling up with only 1-30%
utilized.  The amount that fits on a tape varies widely, but no more
than 30% full.  Another funny thing is that the volumes still say they
are "fiilling", not "full"  but TSM won't put any more data on them.
Now we are out of scratch tapes, and the migrations are failing because
TSM is saying there is no more room in the storage pool.  The activity
log doesn't show any errors during the migration.  The Device Class
format we chose was "DRIVE", which is what we think we were using
before, which should get the maximum compression available for the drive.
   We are using the TSM drivers on the drives and library, as you would
   Can anybody tell me what is causing this behavior?

John Schneider
Lowery Systems, Inc.

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