Hello guys,
First of all, I would like to thank all the pepole who work in this group becaus the 
email that i get every day are like a rsource for me.

I am in the proccess of implementting the DRM. I have a small issue to check in the 
offsite tapes
after i run this command:
MOVE DRMEDIA * wherestate=courierretrieve 
cmdfilename=/usr/tivoli/tsm/drm/orm/exec.cmds cmd="checkin libvol 3494SLIB &vol  
status=privat devtype=3590" 

every thing went smooth but i dont know how to run /usr/tivoli/tsm/drm/orm/exec.cmds 
file to check in the tapes
it is supposed to be run with macro command but i could not do it.
could any one tell me how to do it with MACRO?

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