We tried backing up the ISP DB to s3 bucket on the Development servers and
it seems to be running smoothly( the DB size is small).  we applied on the
production server which the DB size is in TB
it was working on and off and now every day it is failing with the
following error message

ANR3716E A request to the cloud service provider for the

write object operation on the TSM-AVWREPL01-DBBACKUP

                          connection or storage pool failed with the

                          HTTP status code: 400. (SESSION: 10266, PROCESS:

ANR4625W Database backup failure while attempting to use

                          4 streams, backup will be retried using one

Have you run to this issue before? What is your suggestion?

we are running ISP

Thank you

Genet Begashaw
Phone: (301) 405-9555 (W)

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