Have any of you TDP for SQL TSMers seen the following and is it a bug or
working as designed?

When doing a full backup of a sql db the stats in the tsm server
activity log and the stats in tdpsdl.log are the same but the event
summary record shows different numbers.

act log shows        1,855,248 bytes sent
tdpsql.log shows     1,855,248 byte sent
event summary shows    722 Kb

I noticed this when we turned client side compression on and the act log
and tdpsql.log stats did not change but the event summary did change to
321 Kb which showed compression is now being used.

Why the discrepancies?


TSM server v5.2.3.2 on Win2000.
TDP for DB v5.1.5.0
TSM client v5.2.2.9


contents of tdpsql.log
12/03/2004 10:18:06 12/03/2004 10:18:06 Request   : FULL BACKUP
12/03/2004 10:18:06 Database Input List           : -
12/03/2004 10:18:06 Group Input List              : -
12/03/2004 10:18:06 File Input List               : -
12/03/2004 10:18:06 Number of Buffers             : 3
12/03/2004 10:18:06 Buffer Size                   : 1024
12/03/2004 10:18:06 Number of SQL Buffers         : 1
12/03/2004 10:18:06 SQL Buffer Size               : 1024
12/03/2004 10:18:06 Number of Stripes specified   : 1
12/03/2004 10:18:06 Estimate                      : -
12/03/2004 10:18:06 Truncate Log?                 : -
12/03/2004 10:18:06 Wait for Tape Mounts?         : Yes
12/03/2004 10:18:06 TSM Options File              : S:\Program
12/03/2004 10:18:06 TSM Nodename Override         : -
12/03/2004 10:18:06 Sqlserver                     : WANC15
12/03/2004 10:18:06
12/03/2004 10:18:25 Total SQL backups selected:               1
12/03/2004 10:18:25 Total SQL backups attempted:              1
12/03/2004 10:18:25 Total SQL backups completed:              1
12/03/2004 10:18:25 Total SQL backups excluded:               0
12/03/2004 10:18:25 Total SQL backups inactivated:            0
12/03/2004 10:18:25 Throughput rate:                          103.44 Kb/Sec
12/03/2004 10:18:25 Total bytes transferred:                  1,855,248
12/03/2004 10:18:25 Elapsed processing time:                  17.52 Secs

12/02/2004 21:07:25 12/02/2004 21:07:25 Request : FULL BACKUP 12/02/2004 21:07:25 Database Input List : stellent 12/02/2004 21:07:25 Group Input List : - 12/02/2004 21:07:25 File Input List : - 12/02/2004 21:07:25 Number of Buffers : 3 12/02/2004 21:07:25 Buffer Size : 1024 12/02/2004 21:07:25 Number of SQL Buffers : 1 12/02/2004 21:07:25 SQL Buffer Size : 1024 12/02/2004 21:07:25 Number of Stripes specified : 1 12/02/2004 21:07:25 Estimate : - 12/02/2004 21:07:25 Truncate Log? : - 12/02/2004 21:07:25 Wait for Tape Mounts? : Yes 12/02/2004 21:07:25 TSM Options File : S:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\TDPSql\dsm.opt 12/02/2004 21:07:25 TSM Nodename Override : - 12/02/2004 21:07:25 Sqlserver : WANC15 12/02/2004 21:07:25 12/02/2004 21:08:04 Total SQL backups selected: 1 12/02/2004 21:08:04 Total SQL backups attempted: 1 12/02/2004 21:08:04 Total SQL backups completed: 1 12/02/2004 21:08:04 Total SQL backups excluded: 0 12/02/2004 21:08:04 Total SQL backups inactivated: 40 12/02/2004 21:08:04 Throughput rate: 157.54 Kb/Sec 12/02/2004 21:08:04 Total bytes transferred: 1,855,248 12/02/2004 21:08:04 Elapsed processing time: 11.50 Secs


display node
                     Node Name: WANC15
                      Platform: WinNT
               Client OS Level: 5.00
                Client Version: Version 5, Release 2, Level 2.9
                   Compression: Client
                     Node Type: Client
                   TCP/IP Name: WANC15

display of summary records
12/02/2004   11:32:16 PM   00:01:21            2            722 Kb

12/03/2004   10:18:07 AM   00:00:18            2            321 Kb


display of activity log
12/02/2004 21:07:21   ANR0403I Session 15250 ended for node WANC15_SQL
(). (SESSION: 144)

12/02/2004 21:07:21   ANR2561I Schedule prompter contacting WANC15_SQL
(session 15250) to start a scheduled operation. (SESSION: 144)

12/02/2004 21:07:22   ANR0406I Session 15251 started for node WANC15_SQL
(WinNT) (Tcp/Ip wanc15.itg.ak.local(4973)). (SESSION: 15251)

12/02/2004 21:07:25   ANR0406I Session 15252 started for node WANC15_SQL
(TDP MSSQL) (Tcp/Ip wanc15.itg.ak.local(4977)). (SESSION: 15252)

12/02/2004 21:07:26 ANE4991I (Session: 15252, Node: WANC15_SQL) TDP MSSQL ACO3006 Data Protection for SQL: Starting backup for server WANC15. (SESSION: 15252)

12/02/2004 21:07:27   ANE4991I (Session: 15252, Node: WANC15_SQL)  TDP
MSSQL  ACO3000 Data Protection for SQL: Starting full backup of database
stellent from server WANC15.  (SESSION: 15252)

12/02/2004 21:07:38   ANE4991I (Session: 15252, Node: WANC15_SQL)  TDP
MSSQL ACO3001 Data Protection for SQL: full backup of database stellent
from server WANC15 completed successfully. (SESSION: 15252)

12/02/2004 21:08:04 ANE4991I (Session: 15252, Node: WANC15_SQL) TDP MSSQL ACO3008 Data Protection for SQL: Backup of server WANC15 is complete. Total SQL backups selected: 1 Total SQL backups attempted: 1 Total SQL backups completed: 1 Total SQL backups excluded: 0 Total SQL backups inactivated: 40 Throughput rate: 157.54 Kb/Sec Total bytes transferred: 1,855,248 Elapsed processing time: 11.50 Secs (SESSION: 15252)

12/02/2004 21:08:04 ANR0403I Session 15252 ended for node WANC15_SQL (TDP MSSQL). (SESSION: 15252)

12/02/2004 21:08:05   ANR2507I Schedule WANC15_SQL_FULL for domain
ITG_DOMAIN started at 12/02/2004 21:07:00 for node WANC15_SQL completed
successfully at 12/02/2004 21:08:05. (SESSION: 15251)

12/02/2004 21:08:05 ANR0403I Session 15251 ended for node WANC15_SQL (WinNT). (SESSION: 15251)

12/02/2004 21:08:05   ANR0406I Session 15253 started for node WANC15_SQL
(WinNT) (Tcp/Ip wanc15.itg.ak.local(4978)). (SESSION: 15253)
12/02/2004 21:08:06   ANR0403I Session 15253 ended for node WANC15_SQL
(WinNT). (SESSION: 15253)

12/03/2004 10:18:07   ANR0406I Session 15804 started for node WANC15_SQL
(TDP MSSQL) (Tcp/Ip wanc15.itg.ak.local(1530)). (SESSION: 15804)

12/03/2004 10:18:07 ANE4991I (Session: 15804, Node: WANC15_SQL) TDP MSSQL ACO3006 Data Protection for SQL: Starting backup for server WANC15. (SESSION: 15804)

12/03/2004 10:18:07   ANE4991I (Session: 15804, Node: WANC15_SQL)  TDP
MSSQL ACO3000 Data Protection for SQL: Starting full backup of database
stellent from server WANC15.  (SESSION: 15804)

12/03/2004 10:18:25   ANE4991I (Session: 15804, Node: WANC15_SQL)  TDP
MSSQL ACO3001 Data Protection for SQL: full backup of database stellent
from server WANC15 completed successfully. (SESSION: 15804)

12/03/2004 10:18:25 ANE4991I (Session: 15804, Node: WANC15_SQL) TDP MSSQL ACO3008 Data Protection for SQL: Backup of server WANC15 is complete. Total SQL backups selected: 1 Total SQL backups attempted: 1 Total SQL backups completed: 1 Total SQL backups excluded: 0 Total SQL backups inactivated: 0 Throughput rate: 103.44 Kb/Sec Total bytes transferred: 1,855,248 Elapsed processing time: 17.52 Secs (SESSION: 15804)

12/03/2004 10:18:25   ANR0403I Session 15804 ended for node WANC15_SQL
(TDP  MSSQL). (SESSION: 15804)


Steve Bennett, (907) 465-5783
State of Alaska, Enterprise Technology Services, Technical Services Section

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