Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] VS .NET loading my assemblies?

2004-12-07 Thread Marsh, Drew
Alex Niblett wrote: So what makes VS.NET load my DLL's into it's address space? I can build and run fine one minute, the next minute it's fails to build with 2 or more errors like this... error CS0016: Could not write to output file 'E:\Source\CS\obj\Debug\CS.dll' -- 'The process cannot

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] How should Xml Schemas include related tables?

2004-10-27 Thread Marsh, Drew
Erick Thompson wrote: I'm developing a number of Xml Schemas for use in a web services based applications. One problem that I've run into is how I should handle lookup fields (from a DB perspective). For example, I might have an individual type, with a element that is a salutation. In the

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] UI design question

2004-10-27 Thread Marsh, Drew
Alex Niblett wrote: I figured I would post this here since this board has been pretty busy today and this post is OT for all the boards :) I'm sure somebody has solved something like this already, I just haven't seen it. If anybody knows a better place to fish for an answer, please let me

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] Server.Transfer vs. Response.Redirect

2004-10-05 Thread Marsh, Drew
Brian Boyd wrote: Thanks J. I understand that exceptions aren't cheap, but what I find is that even when I include 'false' as the second parameter, this exeption is still thrown. I'm running v1.1. I would be happy to avoid that exception if you or anyone else has ideas. ... this area is

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] windows forms data bind to complex property

2004-09-28 Thread Marsh, Drew
Luis Abreu wrote: Hello. ok, suppose you have class A, which has a property named classb of type ClassB. ClassB also has a property named T. class A { public ClassB classB {...} } class B { public string T; } Now let's suppose that I have an array or a collection of

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] Method for web service method parameters

2004-09-20 Thread Marsh, Drew
Erick Thompson wrote: What is the best/recommended way to pass schema bound objects when using web services? For example, say I have an ordering system that accepts a customer and an order. I have a customer XSD that defines the what data the customer object can hold. Now, I have a web service

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] Constructor constraints in .NET 2.0

2004-09-15 Thread Marsh, Drew
Fabian Schmied wrote: The implementation of generics as included in .NET 2.0 allows to specify constructor constraints on type parameters. In C#, there is only one ctor constraint: new(). I'm not sure, but I assume this is also the only constructor constraint known by the CLR. Now, what

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] When would SqlConnection.Open blow away a COM+ context?

2004-09-02 Thread Marsh, Drew
Frans Bouma wrote: Did you install SP1 for .NET 1.1 already? I have not installed it yet, but I will give it a try later today and see if maybe it's patched. -Drew === This list is hosted by DevelopMentorĀ® Some .NET courses you may be

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] is there a support for resizing in Visual Studio ?

2004-09-01 Thread Marsh, Drew
There's been a lot of responses to this thread and I haven't read them all, but I keep seeing people refer to Java LayoutManagers and that such a feature is not available in Windows Forms, but there is. System.Windows.Forms.Control has a Layout event in which you can take over how the control

[ADVANCED-DOTNET] When would SqlConnection.Open blow away a COM+ context?

2004-09-01 Thread Marsh, Drew
Ok, this is pretty crazy. I'm on XPSP2 and I've entered a ServiceDomain with a ServiceConfig that requires transactions with an IsolationLevel of Serializable. Now, I've done this a million times before and it works no problem. In the specific scenario I'm dealing with now, I'm seeing something

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] When would SqlConnection.Open blow away a COM+ context?

2004-09-01 Thread Marsh, Drew
Ok, so I dug a little deeper. I found out exactly where inside of SqlConnection::Open that my context is being blown away. Have a look at this: system.enterpriseservices.dll!System.EnterpriseServices.Platform.Initialize( ) + 0x117 bytes

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] Problem with SqlConnection EnlistDistributedTransaction

2004-08-18 Thread Marsh, Drew
Paley, Sean wrote: I'm having a problem using SqlConnection.EnlistDistributedTransaction in conjunction with ServiceDomain. I've isolated it to the code below: ... snipped for brevity's sake ... Sean, My guess is that it's because you're not committing the transaction. You need to

[ADVANCED-DOTNET] BinaryFormatter, FormatterAssemblyStyle.Simple and Deserializatio n

2004-08-10 Thread Marsh, Drew
Here's the scenario: We're serializing object graphs with automagic serialization (just the SerializableAttribute), using the BinaryFormatter with the FormatterAssemblyStyle.Simple setting. If the assembly of the object being serialized is not recompiled I can serialize and then deserialize the

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] Large structures

2004-05-17 Thread Marsh, Drew
In the interest of putting this to sleep, I think the only people who can answer why they made the design decision to go by-val instead of by-ref is the DirectX managed wrapper team. Perhaps you can find a direct channel to them. Do any of them have a weblog? I think what we're most likely going

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] Enum initializers not generating correct WebService Proxy

2003-12-22 Thread Marsh, Drew
Howard Hoffman wrote: Minor correction. It's not xsd.exe (MSDataSetGenerator) that is wrong (IMO), but the 'Add / Update Web Reference' (in VS.NET 2003) code generator. I knew what you meant. It's actually the same as WSDL.EXE then. ;) See my reply to the original post over on the

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] IXmlSerializable in Whidbey

2003-11-12 Thread Marsh, Drew
Robert Rolls wrote: Will the new version of Xml Serializable in Whidbey support serialisation of IDictionary derived objects? Yes. :) For more details on what's supported now, see the XSD Support section from these notes[1]. -Drew [1]

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] IXmlSerializable in Whidbey

2003-11-10 Thread Marsh, Drew
Behalf Of Ioan Berbece wrote: What's the status of IXmlSerializable in Whidbey? Is it documented, is it still there or are there other ways of taking over XML serialization in a custom type? The XML Serialization architecture in Whidbey stays just about the same. IXmlSerializable is still

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] Elegant way of handling nulls when assigning to the DateTim e structure

2003-10-14 Thread Marsh, Drew
Rune H. H.. Huseby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: When avoiding the issue is not an option, I use DateTime.MinValue as a null-value marker.=20 +1. In fact for most of the primitive types I end up using their .MinValue to represent null in my in house O/R mapping framework. The only other

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] Type class - finding out whether a specific interface is iple mented in the type on THIS inheritance level...

2003-06-26 Thread Marsh, Drew
Thomas Tomiczek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Well, I can tell you excactly what I am looking for :-) Ok, I have an inheritance hierarchy from which I ge t the last type. I need to run this upwards (basetype, basetype, basetype) and process = CERTAIN of these types ONLY :-) So I had

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] Regex string formatting question

2003-03-24 Thread Marsh, Drew
Wedinger, Keith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Is there a way to pass a regular expression with curly-braces such that Format() will do its thing properly (i.e. won't get confused about curly-braces that are really part of the regular expression and should not be touched)? You can escape

[ADVANCED-DOTNET] Updating .config files (was RE: Polymorphic XML Serialization)

2003-03-07 Thread Marsh, Drew
Phil Parker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This leads on to my next issue, which is that I'm attempting to use the application configuration file to store settings for certain properties on winform controls that I'm writing. The idea being that my control's properties get serialized as XML

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] Polymorphic XML Serialization

2003-03-06 Thread Marsh, Drew
Phil Parker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: My question, is: Is this possible using XML serialization, and if so, does anyone have any advice on how to achieve this ? I have been unable to find a way of serializing an unknown polymorphic type and dynamically intercepting the

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] Regex for parsing XML - Foolish?

2003-02-17 Thread Marsh, Drew
Eric Gunnerson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote: My vote would be Yes. +1. My experience with using Regex on XML is that it's a pain to get things parsed apart. I think it's much much easier to use XmlDocument and then traverse the nodes to get what you want. I don't even think he needs to

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] Regex for parsing XML - Foolish?

2003-02-17 Thread Marsh, Drew
Kamen Lilov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote: If we only had a decent implementation of SAX, things would be so much = more different. XML structures like this tend to perform lightning-fast with streaming parsers and not so well with DOM implementations... You do, it's a pull model instead

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] Extracting SqlServer error codes using SqlC ommands

2003-01-30 Thread Marsh, Drew
Booth, Bill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote: Hmmm, It looks like the NativeError property would give you what you want but I don't see it in SQLClient. I can just find it as a property of OleDb or ADO 2.7 errors. The NativeError property on a Error object is used to retrieve the

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] Braces make code execution faster?

2003-01-22 Thread Marsh, Drew
Edward Ferron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote: I don't know what you're seeing, but the IL emitted for each is exactly the same (as expected). codeSnippet language=MSIL .method private hidebysig instance void Test() cil managed { // Code size 28 (0x1c)

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] [bindable] Attribute

2003-01-03 Thread Marsh, Drew
Dave Buckner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote: Hopefully a quick question for someone. =3D) When using the [bindable] attribute is there a way to specify the order in which they so up? E.g. = If I bind my object to a datagrid, how do change the order of how it = generated the columns? You

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] dot net XslTransform bug?

2002-11-14 Thread Marsh, Drew
Leon Parsons [mailto:Leon.Parsons;AVEVA.COM] wrote: We have tried compiling this at version 1.1 of the SDK and seem to get the same results ( apart from a note to the effect that this particular overload of the transform method is obsolete ). I don't think you actually described your problem

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] No answer: Wordwrap event in a textbox

2002-10-25 Thread Marsh, Drew
Saye, Robert [mailto:rsaye;STARENTNETWORKS.COM] wrote: That's correct Christoph, I am looking for when the text wraps automatically not by any user intervention. I didn't know the answer, but the length of this thread finally prompted me to look it up. It looks like you need to send a

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] Poor Man's remoting interception (was [OT] IDynamicMessageSi nk / IDynamic Property - AOP in .Net)

2002-09-24 Thread Marsh, Drew
I wrote: However, if you're using ASP.NET Web Services you should use an SoapExtension[1]. Woops, the link I gave for [1] is wrong. Here's the correct link: frlrfSystemWebServicesProtocolsSoapExtensionClassTopic.asp

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] CustomMarshaler

2002-09-20 Thread Marsh, Drew
Hamilton Verissimo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote: As you see it should return a empty variant (VT_EMPTY) in the case the value was not found in the NameObjectCollection. I'm trying to return this empty variant in several ways, but with no success. You don't need to write your own custom

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] CAS: what's the diff between FullTrust and Ever ything permission sets?

2002-09-18 Thread Marsh, Drew
Craig Andera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote: Yep. The fundamental problem is that C#/VB.NET give you no way to indicate at the source level which assembly you're working with. This is going to bite people *big time* when they start versioning stuff. Wait, maybe I'm just missing

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] Can you cache STA components in .net

2002-08-20 Thread Marsh, Drew
Linda Farrington [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote: I have a COM component that was written in VB. I would like to still use this component in my .net page. I know that I should be able to do this using the aspcompat=true page option. However, does anyone know if it is possible to cache


2002-07-23 Thread Marsh, Drew
Greg Robinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote: This seems simple and straight forward. Am I missing something here? Nope, it's that easy. ;) Later, Drew [ .NET MVP | weblog: ] You can read messages from the Advanced DOTNET archive, unsubscribe from

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] Listing WinNT:// user group Membership

2002-06-21 Thread Marsh, Drew
Powell, Simon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote: Why doesn't this list the group membership? How can I get it to list the group membership for an account? If you know of any good books or example code it would be much appreciated? In the WinNT ADSI schema, groups are not a property of a

Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] How to tell if the information is cached in a web service

2002-06-06 Thread Marsh, Drew
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote: I am trying to determine if a DataSet I am returning, from a web service, is comming from the cache or is being rebuilt. I have set the cache to 30 days. The dataset is of significant size, consequently, I have to determine wether to hit