Hi All,

I am getting the following error on my App Server in COM+ :

Error Details:
The system has called a custom component and that component has failed and
generated an exception. This indicates a problem with the custom component.
Notify the developer of this component that a failure has occurred and
provide them with the information below.
Component Prog ID:
Method Name: IUnknown::QueryInterface
Server Application ID: {35A28DAE-5601-4528-B8CB-C6A33B44CD58}
Server Application Instance ID:
Server Application Name: MyApp
The serious nature of this error has caused the process to terminate.
Exception: C0000005
Address: 0x791F527D
Call Stack:
mscorwks!GetCompileInfo + 0x1A2CC
mscorwks!CorExitProcess + 0x46FF
mscorwks!CorExitProcess + 0x479C
mscorwks!CorExitProcess + 0x47CE
COMSVCS!CoCreateStdTrustable + 0x17B75
COMSVCS!CoCreateStdTrustable + 0x1670F
COMSVCS!CoCreateActivity + 0x14C59

I can say now that it is not a Database Deadlock since I had the SQL Server
Performance counters and it did not show any deadlocks.
Has anyone seen this error before ?

Background details on the App:
The app is a EXE on the server which acts as a remoting host. The remoting
is configured as Single Call.
Each call that comes into the server is picked up by a delegator class. This
delegator class is then
instantiating the particular business object on the server and calling the
methods on the class.

The server has business objects and business entities. The business objects
initiate the transaction and are marked
as Transaction Required. The business entities and the data access classes
are marked as transaction supported.

The client is a MDI form application .When I initiate the same transaction
from two windows on the client at the same time,
the COM+ hangs and gives this error.

In case you need more details or code I can post that as well.


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