I ran into that problem, and the following seems to work:

Point viewPos = scrollPane.getViewport().getViewPosition();
// update myBox 


> James Brundege wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm got a complex layout with a Box inside a Jscrollpane.  I want to
> let the user type into a textArea and then add what they typed to the
> top of the view, above where the cursor is.  However, when I call
> revalidate() to update the display, it repositions the scrollpane to
> the top, so the cursor is off-screen.
> I can reposition the scrollpane by calling setViewPosition() on it's
> viewport.  However, it tends to redraw the screen AFTER I do this,
> putting it into position for a split second and then redrawing down
> from the top.
> What I need is a way to add components to the Box and then tell the
> Layout Manager to re-layout the components, and recalculate the
> viewport position without repainting them.  Then paint them ONCE in
> the correct location.  Does anyone know how this can be done?
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