Re: Missing locations in the Geo Targets API

2020-06-22 Thread jia Jimmy
And what does these country_criteria_id represent for? 2192 2736 2760 2408 在 2017年9月8日星期五 UTC+8下午9:57:29,Sreelakshmi Sasidharan (AdWords API Team)写道: > > Hi Sean, > > You are right, we don't have the criterion Id - location name mapping > documented for those locations that cannot be

Could please tell what country does these missing country_criteria_id present ?

2020-06-20 Thread jia Jimmy
2192 2736 2760 2408 I'm workinf to get cost grouped by country of my account with Google ads API. But I got some country_criteria_id that I couldn't found in Geo Target CSV file . And after googled this I

How do I get customer cost metrics aggregated at the country level?

2020-06-19 Thread jia Jimmy
*I'm tried with `**geographic_view**` [**geographic_view**]( to get acustomer's cost group by country.* *As below query showed:* query = """ SELECT customer.descriptive_name,

Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Get requests' ?

2019-11-20 Thread jia Jimmy
Hi Team, When I try to get customers under my user, I got error like below: *Request made: ClientCustomerId: None, Host:, Method: /, RequestId: None, IsFault: True, FaultMessage: Quota exceeded for quota

How can I get the active account_bugdet only?

2019-10-22 Thread jia Jimmy
The only account_budget active in my google-ads management backend is as below showed: [image: gg1024.png] { "account_id":, "account_budget_id":xx, "account_budget_name":"BlueFocus International Limited - 2018年12月27日",

How to filter account_budget with different status(ended or active)?

2019-10-22 Thread jia Jimmy
query = """ SELECT,,, account_budget.status, account_budget.amount_served_micros FROM account_budget

The budget amount is different between api result and google-ads management backend?

2019-10-20 Thread jia Jimmy
*After I create a new account_budget:* *{'account_id': 666, 'account_budget_id': 579824031, 'account_budget_name': 'Account Budget Proposal (example) 20191021 579824031', 'account_budget_status': 'APPROVED', 'approved_start_date_time': 20191021, 'approved_end_date_time':

How can I get the status of account_budget (ended or active)?

2019-10-20 Thread jia Jimmy
query = """ SELECT,,, account_budget.status, account_budget.amount_served_micros FROM account_budget

How to specify the status of account_budget?

2019-10-20 Thread jia Jimmy
query = """ SELECT,,, account_budget.status, account_budget.amount_served_micros FROM account_budget

The customer is not eligible to mutate this resource.

2019-09-12 Thread jia Jimmy
I'm tring to create a create a new billing setups with an exist payments account """This example removes a billing setup with the specified ID. To get available billing setups, run """ from __future__ import absolute_import import argparse import six import sys import os

RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND wile tring to add account budget

2019-09-11 Thread jia Jimmy
I'm tring to add account budget for a google-ads account, followed example provided by goolge-ads-python lib. from __future__ import absolute_import import argparse import sys import os import six import os.environ['https_proxy'] = 'https_proxy8'

No customer found for the provided customer id while add account budget?

2019-09-11 Thread jia Jimmy
I'm tring to add an account budget to a google-ads account, and below is my main codes from __future__ import absolute_import import argparse import sys import os import six import os.environ['https_proxy'] = 'xxx' GG_DEVELOP_TOKEN = "GG_DEVELOP_TOKEN"

Re: Scope has changed from [...] to [...]

2019-09-09 Thread jia Jimmy
Thanks for your replying first. I'm trying to generate my OAuth2 credentials and I want get login-user profile at the same time.So I think the scopes should be like [,,

Scope has changed from [...] to [...]

2019-09-06 Thread jia Jimmy
I want to use scopes [,, ] But when I setSCOPES = ['', '',

How to assign google-ads account to the google-account who didn't have any mcc?

2019-09-01 Thread jia Jimmy
I konw I can assign google-ads account from one mcc to the other one. But if there's no mcc under one google-account , how can I assign google-ads account to it in program ? -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog:

request_error: INVALID_CUSTOMER_ID when accept the link using the client account.

2019-08-24 Thread jia Jimmy
I'm tring to accept the link using the client account following api guide but got error below: (<_Rendezvous of RPC that terminated with: status = StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT details = "Request contains an invalid argument."

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'value' when set resource_name of manager_link

2019-08-24 Thread jia Jimmy
As google-ads-python(link_manager_to_client) suggesting codes example showed ,I tried with below code: manager_link_operation = c_client.get_type(

AttributeError: results while link_manager_to_client by google-ads-api

2019-08-23 Thread jia Jimmy
I'm following link_manager_to_client codes example . but it showed error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 204, in foo4() File "", line 189,

Re: AUTHENTICATION_ERROR when initialize a GoogleAdsClient

2019-08-23 Thread jia Jimmy
After followed Quickstart guide, I'm still meeting the same error, here's my trial: # 1) got specified credentials flow = google_auth_oauthlib.flow.Flow.from_client_secrets_file( CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE, scopes=SCOPES, state=state)

Re: AUTHENTICATION_ERROR when initialize a GoogleAdsClient

2019-08-23 Thread jia Jimmy
Thanks for your replying, Nikisha. What I'm confused is that I can get a credentials object with refresh_token in the earlier steps, for refresh_token will automaticly generate access_token, then I could initialize a client onject. Am I right? # refresh_token Got in earlier steps # client_id

AUTHENTICATION_ERROR when initialize a GoogleAdsClient

2019-08-22 Thread jia Jimmy
As Setting up the client library suggested. I use codes below to initialize a client object and then do some service. I've got the refresh_token followed starting steps. import