
I log into accounts using direct logins - no MCC involved. When
converting to v200909 I noticed that two accounts were actually
refused by the authentication service. However, when using the old
method of v13 they still work.

Looking further I noticed that they were refused by the call
Authtoken.GetToken(). The response is "Login failed" with error code
CaptchaRequired, the other account has error code BadAuthentication.

Note: I cannot log into the Adwords web interface with these email/
password combinations either. Again, these email/password combinations
do work in v13.

How do I proceed? I have no RequestId because the Authtoken class does
not reveal such info, if that exists at all. I hesitate to post the
email addresses of these accounts.

Thanks in advance.

Have you migrated to v200909 yet?
The v13 sunset is on April 22, 2010.

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