Hi there,

I have a javascript widget which displays a button and QR code when you 
hover it. And if you click on it it will link to Whatsapp/Line app on 

I have a problem adding gtag_report_conversion(); in the code to track how 
many times the customers actually clicked on it.

When I add this code under S.onload, it overcount because everytime there 
is a mouse hover, it counts a conversion. (code as below)

*s.onload = function () { WhWidgetSendButton.init(host, proto, 
options); gtag_report_conversion();};*

However when I put this under s.onclick event, there is no conversion at 

*s.onload = function () { WhWidgetSendButton.init(host, proto, options); 
};s.onclick = function () { gtag_report_conversion();};*

May I ask for help how to deal with this so I can track the conversions 
(how many times customers "click" the botton)

*<sript type="text/javascript"> (function () { var options = { line: 
"//line.me/R/ti/p/8888", // Line QR code URL call_to_action: "Customer 
Service Online", // Call to action position: "right", // Position may be 
'right' or 'left' };*

* var proto = document.location.protocol, host = "getbutton.io", url = 
proto + "//static." + host; var s = document.createElement('script'); 
s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = url + 
'/widget-send-button/js/init.js'; s.onload = function () { 
WhWidgetSendButton.init(host, proto, options); }; s.onclick = function () { 
gtag_report_conversion();}; var x = 
document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; x.parentNode.insertBefore(s, 
x); })(); </script>*

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