Hello Mohanty,

It looks like you are using the FeedFunction logic and the script is not
able to find this one. Please note that the IncomeOperand can no longer be
used as a FunctionArgumentOperand for LocationGroups. Mutate requests
adding new operands of this type will result in
FunctionError.Reason.INVALID_OPERAND_TYPE error. You may refer to this related
forum post
<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/adwords-api/IncomeOperand%7Csort:date/adwords-api/JrsgF5a0npI/GJuB-UU7BgAJ> as
a reference. I have shared this with the team to update the documentation.
Let me know if you have any further questions.

Bharani, AdWords API Team

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