Re: where to find full AttributeType.CATEGORY_PRODUCTS_AND_SERVICES id values mapping?

2019-09-10 Thread RaimundasM
Thanks for the reply,

to confirm - I am using a test account, does that mean that on a production 
account such appended values on keyword will not appear?
As per my earlier explanations the API returns category IDs that are not in 
the documentation, is that a bug? if so where should I report it?
Also could you elaborate on the relation to products that you mentioned?


On Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 8:48:55 AM UTC+3, adsapiforumadvisor 
> Hi,
> Thank you for posting your concern.
> With regard to your concern about category IDs, it appears to be more 
> product related. In the AdWords API perspecitve, only the values listed in 
> this documentation 
>  should 
> be available via the AdWords API.
> Also, regarding the additional value (be21b779) appended to the keyword 
> results, could you confirm if you are using a test account? I asked because 
> test accounts only use dummy data and it usually looks similar to the one 
> that was returned in your request.
> However, if you are using a production account and since this is also 
> product related, I would recommend that you get in touch with the product 
> experts in the Google Ads Help Community 
>  as they are more 
> equipped to answer your concern regarding the returned data.
> Regards,
> Hiroyuki
> Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UHGDtS:ref

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where to find full AttributeType.CATEGORY_PRODUCTS_AND_SERVICES id values mapping?

2019-09-09 Thread RaimundasM
I'm using JAVA adwords API(latest, v.4.7.0), in the examples of 
TargetingIdeaService ( when using a 
TargetingIdeaSelector with AttributeType.CATEGORY_PRODUCTS_AND_SERVICES we 
get an array of category IDs, but nowhere in the guide it's specified where 
to get the mappings for the category IDs. I did find some sort of category 
but when trying to map the actual results from the example to the ones in 
that file, most of the returned IDs are missing in the csv file.
Here is an example return line from the service:
​​Keyword with text 'jewelry be21b779', average monthly search volume 
000, average CPC 000, and competition 0.00 was found with 
categories: 49, 44, 52, 10628

So my main question is where is the full mapping of the categories?
Also one more important question is what is that ID-like thing (be21b779) 
appended to the keyword and why is it provided here, should it be useful 
for something? if so have any examples? or should I just remove those parts?

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