
I want Automatically stop the campaign when the daily budget is exceeded. I 
use the following code:

function main() {
var allowedOverdeliveryPercentage = 0.1; // set percentage as decimal, i.e. 
20% should be set as 0.2
var labelName = 'pause-campain';
AdWordsApp.createLabel(labelName, 'automatic label needed to reenable 
var campaigns = AdWordsApp.campaigns()
.withCondition('Status = ENABLED')
.withCondition('Cost > 0')
var campaignIterator = campaigns.get();
while (campaignIterator.hasNext()) {
var campaign = campaignIterator.next();
var campaignName = campaign.getName();
var budgetAmount = campaign.getBudget().getAmount();
var costToday = campaign.getStatsFor('TODAY').getCost();
if(costToday > budgetAmount * (1 + allowedOverdeliveryPercentage)) {
Logger.log(campaignName + ' has spent ' + costToday + ' which is more than 
} else {
Logger.log(campaignName + ' has spent ' + costToday + ' and can continue to 


In the first time it seems to run fine, the time after that it shows the 
error occurred: "You are already using this label name"

This error causes the ad campaign that exceeds the daily budget to be 
unpause and it still works

If I change the label name, in the first run it works fine. From the next 
time it will show the above error

What can I do to fix this?

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