Hi guys,

We are trying to do some integrations on Google Ads API using one of your 
ruby gems. We can already retrieve some data but can’t create things. I 
would like to know if you can provide us some help.

I am using this gem: https://github.com/googleads/google-ads-ruby
And trying to follow this example: 

This is how my code loooks like:

# This seems to be properly configured since we can get data from google 
ads api
client ||= Google::Ads::GoogleAds::GoogleAdsClient.new do |config|
  config.client_id                = ENV['ADS_CLIENT_ID']
  config.client_secret         = ENV['ADS_CLIENT_SECRET']
  config.refresh_token       = ENV['ADS_REFRESH_TOKEN']
  config.developer_token   = ENV['ADS_DEVELOPER_TOKEN']
  config.login_customer_id = ENV['ADS_LOGIN_CUSTOMER_ID'] # manager user 

customer_id = '123123123' # not real
campaign_id = '123123123' # not real

ad_group = client.resource.ad_group do |ag|
  ag.name           = "Test #{(Time.new.to_f * 1000).to_i}"
  ag.status         = :ENABLED
  ag.campaign       = client.path.campaign(customer_id, campaign_id) # this 
generates "customers/123123123/campaigns/123123123"
  ag.type           = :SEARCH_STANDARD
  ag.cpc_bid_micros = 10_000

# Create the operation
ad_group_operation = client.operation.create_resource.ad_group(ad_group)

# Add the ad group.
response = client.service.ad_group.mutate_ad_groups(
    customer_id, [ad_group_operation])

puts "Created ad group #{response.results.first.resource_name}."

But I always receive this Exception:

Error: 'GaxError RPC failed, caused by 3:Request contains an invalid 
    Cause: '3:Request contains an invalid argument.'
    Code: 3
    Details: 'Request contains an invalid argument.'
    Request-Id: 'CNtDjMgD6_rAVFBvabbImg'

I've tryed a lot of changes but could not figure out what is wrong. 
The above messages are really generic and did not give me much information 
about the error.

This is the data as we are sending:

AdGroupOperation object:
<Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V2::Services::AdGroupOperation: create: 
<Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V2::Resources::AdGroup: resource_name: "", id: 
nil, name: <Google::Protobuf::StringValue: value: "Test 1565829710761">, 
status: :ENABLED, url_custom_parameters: [], campaign: 
<Google::Protobuf::StringValue: value: 
"customers/123123123/campaigns/123123123">, type: :SEARCH_STANDARD, 
tracking_url_template: nil, cpc_bid_micros: <Google::Protobuf::Int64Value: 
value: 10000>, cpm_bid_micros: nil, cpv_bid_micros: nil, base_ad_group: 
nil, percent_cpc_bid_micros: nil, explorer_auto_optimizer_setting: nil, 
ad_rotation_mode: :UNSPECIFIED, display_custom_bid_dimension: :UNSPECIFIED, 
final_url_suffix: nil, targeting_setting: nil, target_cpm_micros: nil, 
target_cpa_micros: nil, effective_target_cpa_micros: nil, 
effective_target_cpa_source: :UNSPECIFIED, target_roas: nil, 
effective_target_roas: nil, effective_target_roas_source: :UNSPECIFIED, 
labels: []>, update: nil, remove: "", update_mask: nil>

Pretty print hash:

   :name=>{:value=>"Test 1565829710761"},

Here is the complete response:

(#<struct Struct::BatchResult send_message=true, send_metadata=true, 
send_close=true, send_status=nil, message=nil, 
metadata={"request-id"=>"y65rYpIUGBD6OBIQNP5Azw", "date"=>"Thu, 15 Aug 2019 
00:47:11 GMT", "alt-svc"=>"quic=\":443\"; ma=2592000; v=\"46,43,39\""}, 
status=#<struct Struct::Status code=3, details="Request contains an invalid 
error code is not in this version.\x1A\x02*\x00", 
"grpc-status-details-bin"=>"\b\x03\x12%Request contains an invalid 
error code is not in this version.\x1A\x02*\x00", 
"request-id"=>"y65rYpIUGBD6OBIQNP5Azw"}>, cancelled=nil>)

Here the request:

<Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V2::Services::MutateAdGroupsRequest: customer_id: 
"1111111111", operations: 
[<Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V2::Services::AdGroupOperation: create: 
<Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V2::Resources::AdGroup: resource_name: "", id: 
nil, name: <Google::Protobuf::StringValue: value: "Test 1565830277485">, 
status: :ENABLED, url_custom_parameters: [], campaign: 
<Google::Protobuf::StringValue: value: 
"customers/123123123/campaigns/123123123">, type: :SEARCH_STANDARD, 
tracking_url_template: nil, cpc_bid_micros: <Google::Protobuf::Int64Value: 
value: 10000>, cpm_bid_micros: nil, cpv_bid_micros: nil, base_ad_group: 
nil, percent_cpc_bid_micros: nil, explorer_auto_optimizer_setting: nil, 
ad_rotation_mode: :UNSPECIFIED, display_custom_bid_dimension: :UNSPECIFIED, 
final_url_suffix: nil, targeting_setting: nil, target_cpm_micros: nil, 
target_cpa_micros: nil, effective_target_cpa_micros: nil, 
effective_target_cpa_source: :UNSPECIFIED, target_roas: nil, 
effective_target_roas: nil, effective_target_roas_source: :UNSPECIFIED, 
labels: []>, update: nil, remove: "", update_mask: nil>], partial_failure: 
false, validate_only: false>

=> {:customer_id=>"1111111111",
      :name=>{:value=>"Test 1565830277485"},

Thank you.

Fernando Oliveira
Software Engineer @ Tidy.com

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