I'm up early and headed to the airport today (long story).   I'll be at the
show probably around 8:30 or 9am.

As most of the attendees of Animal Farm are typically familiar with the
PacketFlux Products, I've instead decided to do something different with
our booth.  Instead of filling the booth with our existing products, I,
instead, will have mechanical mockups of two potential products for
discussion, and perhaps a hand sketch of a third (if I have a chance
sometime between now and the end of Animal Farm to draw it).

I'd love for everyone there to stop by and have a look, and discuss the
design choices I'm in the process of making for these products.   Things
like dimensions, and feature sets, and tradeoffs between cost and

I'd also like to hear ideas for other products you'd like to see as well.

Hope to see everyone there!


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