This week, cyber geopolitics on Internet governance headlines as, US National 
Security Agency Director Mike Rogers rebuffed the prospect for a US-Russia 
<> cyber unit, saying now 
isn't the best time. Otherwise, According to reports, Mr Putin told Mr Trump 
during their G20 meeting that "Moscow’s cyber-operators are so good at covert 
computer-network operations that if they had infiltrated Democratic groups, 
there is no way they could have been detected".  In addition, Secretary of 
State Rex Tillerson’s decision to close the State Department’s Office of the 
Coordinator for Cyber Issues and fold its responsibilities into the Bureau of 
Economic and Business Affairs has provoked widespread criticism.

Furthemore, BRICS nations will step up cooperation on information security, as 
digital communication technology plays an increasingly important role in 
driving economic growth, ministers from the five countries said in a statement 
on Thursday.

Besides, concerns over spying by Beijing may force Australia to curb the 
Solomon Islands’ plans for stable internet access, after the small Pacific 
nation hired a Chinese company to lay an undersea cable connected to Sydney, 
Australian media reported

On data protection, European Union authorities have increased pressure on 
Facebook, Twitter and Google to amend their user terms to bring them in line 
with EU law after proposals submitted by the tech giants were considered 

On net neutrality, U.S House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Greg Walden 
invited CEOs of major technology and telecommunication companies to testify 
before Congress about net neutrality during a hearing scheduled for September.
On encryption, Australia has become the first country to propose new laws 
forcing technology companies, such as Apple and Facebook, to help police decode 
encrypted messages in criminal or terrorist investigations.

On e-commerce, Alibaba founder and executive chairman Jack Ma announced the 
creation of a US$10 million African Young Entrepreneurs Fund, during the Youth 
Connekt Africa Summit co-hosted by UNCTAD and the Government of Rwanda.
On artificial intelligence, two of the biggest tech titans in Silicon Valley 
have been publicly debating the potential of artificial intelligence this week: 
Mark Zuckerberg<> is optimistic, while Elon 
Musk<> is fearful.
On events, we note the African DNS Forum, West African IGF an Asia Pacific 
Regonal IGF.
Below, informations on those subjects and events as well as documentation on 
ICANN, IPv6, domain name

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