This week, "The Republican chairman of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee 
on Wednesday promised a thorough investigation into any direct links between 
Russia and Republican Donald Trump during his successful 2016 run for the White 
House and warned Russia is unterfering in the French election just as it did in 
the U.S presidential campaign last year". On privacy and data protection, "In a 
defeat for digital privacy advocates, the House of Representatives voted 
Tuesday to allow internet service providers to sell information about 
consumers’ browsing history without their knowledge or consent". Moreover, a 
free guide to help charities understand GDPR and comply with data protection 
law has been published in Europe. "On encryption; after London attack, the 
European Commission will propose new measures in June to facilitate police 
access to encoded data of the instant messaging applications. In addition, at 
the United Nations, "Boris Johnson reminded social media websites of their 
"responsability" to take down extremist material". On ICANN, we note release of 
Post-ICANN 58 policy report.

 As for event, we note Rightscon 2017 in Brussels where "Internet Society today 
voiced its commitment to keeping the Internet on for everyone, in response to 
the increasing number of government orders to temporarily shut down or restrict 
access to Internet services"; IETF 98 in Chicago where Alissa Cooper has been 
appointed IETF new Chair and WACREN 2017 in Abidjan.

Below, informations on those subjects and events as well as documents on 
cyberpolitics, domain name, cybersecurity, etc..

Review in full here:

Internet Gov weekly brief : Russia's alleged interferences in elections; E.U 
police to access encoded data; Post-ICANN 58 policy report; Internet shutdown 
on rise; Rightscon 2017; IETF 
This week, The Republican chairman of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee on 
Wednesday promised a thorough investigation into any direct links between Russ…

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