Friends, Romans, Countrymen -- support my AGI project.

You have enjoyed reading all these weird messages from Mentifex, right?

Now comes the weirdest of them all.

Very Truly Yours has just published an eBook and Amazon paperback:
"Artificial Intelligence in Ancient Latin"

Please help get a copy of the paperback into every computer science lab,
every school library, and every roadside "Lending Library."

The beauty of the new Latin AI book is twofold. First, it explains
step-by-step the construction of an AI Mind -- already done in English and
Russian and now in Latin -- mind-module by min-module, until the entire
Cogbitive architecture is exposed as bare and open AI.

Second, the book with its ancient Roman ruins cover is a total shocker to
anyone active in the fields of either computer science or Larin and Greek

The book is so weird and unusual that it may appreciate in value --
especially if Mentifex here turns out to have been right all along.

Consider what you might like to give as a Christmas or birthday or
graduation gift to your most obnoxiously "know-it-all" acquaintance.

If you know someone who likes to utter Latin quotes -- there is your

For Someone Who Has Everything -- here is the one thing they lack.

Report here on the AGI list any reactions or ne plus ultra schemes.

If you would like to publish your own pertinent ideas, use the cover-image:


Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI
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