As I was thinking about a few presentations I realized that my ideas about more 
human-like AI must include something that acts a little like a trial and error 
method even when the subject matter is well understood. I think the component 
method of AI is necessary. The components would represent concepts (data that 
can be used to represent concepts but but also data that can represent things 
like reactions to more 'primitive' pre-percepts. (Perception, in most 
psychological literature are shaped by some kind of recognition and cognitive 
reaction process. For the most part these reactions are surmised to be more 
primitive than what we would consider concepts but that is in no way 
established and I think that higher concepts have to be part of the perceptual 
process although they usually have to very quickly applied in a perceptual 
reaction. Higher concepts definitely mediate in recognition and immediate 
perceptual reaction, but that mediation might be implemented with habits. When 
I see a pedestrian crossing a road I usually know that it is a pedestrian and 
not some other kind of object. )
The component method would be interpretable and a great deal of relevant 
information can be found by looking at the components. However, concepts can be 
called to act on other concepts. This interaction of concepts is not 
necessarily based on a family of strongly related concepts. A tow truck is an 
automobile but it is a special kind of automobile that can act on other 
automobiles. You cannot drive a wrench around but it is often considered very 
relevant to automobiles.  An idea is not the same thing as a car but ideas made 
cars possible and they shaped your car. And your idea of what a car should be 
like will shape the choice of your next car. 
These component ideas need to be quickly accessible in order to use them to 
interpret events (like reading this.) Ideas that are strongly related to a 
target subject have to be quickly accessible for stronger AI. But ideas that 
are not categorized as being strongly related (in a customary manner) have to 
be able to work on other ideas as well. 
Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI
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