The InFerence module serves the purpose of automated reasoning with logical

Into each AI Mind coded for inference, you may enter first a premise like
"Boys play games" and then at any later time enter a statement like "John
is a boy," and the AI Mind should then make a confirmand inference and ask,
"Does John play games?" There are four categories of human response: Yes;
No; Maybe; or no response at all. If the answer is "no", the AI software
negates the idea of the original inference and stores the confirmed
knowledge, "John does not play games." In the cases of "maybe" or no
response, the AI Mind simply abandons the inference as an unconfirmed and
therefore forgettable idea. If the confirmation is "Yes", the AI keeps the
confirmed idea in the knowledge base (KB).

The InFerence AGI mind-module is featured on TikTok at

with a screenshot of the webpage. -- is the Amazon Kindle eBook.

Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI
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