According to Wayne Madsen Report,

    Tech spying by AI programs is the way of the future.


The world of intelligence gathering is rapidly changing as a result of two
major factors: increased capabilities of artificially intelligent programs
to break into computer systems and networks and Covid-19 shutting down many
of the venues favored by spies. These include trade shows, scientific
conferences, diplomatic receptions, and in-person press conferences. James
Bond is being replaced by nameless AI cybernauts capable of gathering more
"actionable intelligence" in an hour than many human agents could compile
in a year or more.

It is known that among the intelligence services placing a high premium on
AI capabilities within their clandestine operations are Russia, France,
China, Israel, and the Netherlands. Another reported customer for offensive
AI warfare capabilities is Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS).
Middle East observers were also intrigued by the recent opening of the
Mohammed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) in Abu
Dhabi. The university is named after United Arab Emirates Crown Prince
Mohammed bin Zayed, a patron and friend of Blackwater founder and Donald
Trump adviser Erik Prince.
There is no indication, as yet, that Central Intelligence Agency director
William Burns, a longtime State Department diplomat, or Director of
National Intelligence (DNI) Avril Haines, a former CIA official, have
signed off on AI as a high priority intelligence collection method for the
U.S. Intelligence Community. For those like Burns and Haines, who cut their
teeth in the human intelligence (HUMINT), AI may be a hard sell. It may
also be difficult to convince President Biden to increase funding for AI
espionage. When Biden was sworn in as a U.S. Senator on January 3, 1972,
the CIA was deploying field agents in places as varied as the USSR, the
United Arab Republic, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, New Hebrides, the German
Democratic Republic, South Yemen, Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Rhodesia,
Upper Volta, Zaire, and South Vietnam. None of those places exist today.
The U.S. Intelligence Community has been using AI in its Open Source
Enterprise, used to collect and analyze news articles in multiple languages
from websites around the world. However, little is known of any effort to
employ AI in breaking into targeted computer databases and networks,
although the U.S. Cyber Command, co-located with the National Security
Agency has it within its mandate to conduct such offensive cyber
operations. It is known that DNI has discussed establishing "AI warfare"
red teams and that special doctrine for such warfare is being developed by
the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI),
chaired by former Google CEO and one of the Democratic Party's top donors,
Eric Schmidt. The wealth of information gathered from disclosures of
classified NSA documents mainly deals with human operators and analysts
engaged in cyber-espionage. There are indications that the Intelligence
Advanced Research Projects Agency's highly-classified budget includes
funding for AI-based espionage programs that can rapidly crack passwords,
de-crypt files and databases, and analyze zettabytes of stored and
transactional data. A zettabyte equals 10^21 bytes. The NSA Utah Data
Center can store up to a yottabyte of data (1000^8 bytes) but the key word
is "stored." It is another matter entirely to be able to analyze such
massive amounts of data and present concise reports to senior policymakers,
including the President.

Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI
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