Yesterday on Cable News Network (CNN) the president of my Alma Mater was
talking about the one hundred thirty-seven (137) fratboys on Greek Row
who recently caught the coronavirus during their incessant parties and
keggers and Animal House orgies. She bragged about how back in March 2020
she was first in the nation to close down a major American university for
the virus and how all the other universities followed her lead. I was on
campus that day on Friday 2020-03-06 and I had no idea that I would soon
have to give up the sweet lifestyle of re-living my college years. Now four
months later there is no end in sight to the coronavirus pandemic and all I
is things like the AGI project to sustain me.

Amazing things did happen last week and "si vacat et placidi rationem
admittitis, incipiam," which means "if there is time and if you placidly
accept reason, I will begin." It is a perhaps garbled quote from a book in
Latin which
I bought as a teenage boy and really loved reading in Latin. That book, the
Satires of Juvenal, had absolut-and-I-don't-mean-vodka-ly priceless
expressions such as "Difficle est, satyram non scribere" ("It is difficult
NOT to write a satire") and "Orandum est, ut sit mens sana in corpore sano"
which became the motto of every American high-school athletics coach.

You see, we are all bored to death during this pandemic, and so we are
doing the Internet equivalent of passing notes in school by posting to the
preeminent AGI Mail-List in these parsecs of the Universe. The list owner
Ben Goertzel or the list moderator John Rose catches me folding up a piece
of paper and sternly orders me to read the Liebesbrief to the entire class.

"Dear (codename) Daisy (choker) Russian spy: The University closed down so
quickly that I could not get your e-mail or telephone number or dead-drop
box-address to stay in touch with you. So please read between the lines in
these purported AGI messages."

In the sheer boredom of waiting out the coronavirus, I was posting to
Reddit so heavily last week that I started to get 800 or 900 page-views per
day on my Latin-language AGI pages. I would log in and see "You have new
messages" pop up on-screen as an alert to me, but in eight years of
Redditing I have never once opened a Private Message (PM) for fear of
seeing a bone-chilling threat from some evildoer's anonymous throw-away
account. There could
be people eager to collaborate with me on AGI, but I don't dare open a
single Private Message. I mean, when I worked the night shift at a hotel
twenty years ago and the phone would ring at 2:00 a.m, I learned to say
nothing at first, and it would thwart and stymie the guy who was saying to
me, "I'm going to cut you. I'm going to drink your blood." There may be
similar Private Messages
waiting for me on Reddit, but my ignorance of them is bliss.

So last week was Latin Week, and now this week is Russian Week. I recently
spent two days translating my Russian AI User Manual back into its original
English. Seven years ago I had paid my Russian translator to express my
ideas in perfect Russian, but he had changed some English expressions into
more natural Russian expressions. So last week I translated his Russian
version back into so that my English
wording would match his Russian wording. I also used the most up-to-date
links within the English and Russian versions of the AI User Manual.

Even on days when I post nothing to Reddit, the Live Traffic Feed report
shows that people around the world are now randomly accessing either the
Latin AGI pages or the Russian AGI pages. On Usenet, there are newsgroups
where Mentifex-bashers were pouncing viciously until quite recently,
whenever I dared to post about Mentifex AI. Now there is an awesome silence
and I get away with posting the most outrageous ESC -- Extraordinary
Scientific Claim. -- 2019-11-01 Fri.
How each Mentifex Strong AI Mind Thinks with Conjunctions

Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI
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