--- snip ---

[1220390007]<<< receive << [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
bootris, invoke mathematica

[1220390013]>>> told >> #love > cool hand luke is like a comic heroic jesus

[1220390034]<<< receive << [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
bootris, solve russell's paradox

[1220390035]>>> told >> #love >  invoke mathematica

[1220390066]<<< receive << [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
he's invoking mathematica

[1220390089]<<< receive << [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
he's invoking mathematica. bootris, solve russell's paradox

[1220390090]>>> told >> #love >  solve russell's paradox

[1220390096]<<< receive << [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
he's invoking mathematica. bootris, solve russell's paradox. bootris,

[1220390097]>>> told >> #love > Or make her laugh then tell her shes
not good for when you say that like its going to learn islenska.

--- snip ---

Honestly it wasn't trivial getting to this stage

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