> How many of you out there with AGI projects feel you are limited
> currently in your research by CPU speeds.  I was myself up until 2 years
> ago.  If you do feel you are limited, what speeds are you currently
> running at and how much more CPU (2x, 4x, 8x, ...) do you feel you could
> optimally utilize.
> And how much do you feel this would compress the actual project plan for
> your project.  These numbers should give a better indication on whether
> and how much current processing speeds are limiting the quest for AGI.

We are limited tremendously by CPU speed and RAM capacity.

Either greater CPU speed or greater RAM capacity would be valuable, but the
biggest boost would be both together.

We could utilize essentially any amount of CPU speed or RAM capacity.  No
limit in sight.

Having a CPU with (for example) 10x greater speed would have a HUGE positive
impact on some of the work we're doing.

One reason is that we run a lot of tests, in which we systematically try
different parameter values for aspects of our AI code (searching regions of
parameter space with a GA or other optimization tool).  If each test would
run 10x faster, that would be a very good thing.

As to how much this would accelerate our progress toward AGI, that's hard to
say.  Speed of running tests is only one rate-limiting factor.  No amount of
computer power will diminish the time it takes for humans to write and debug
code, and solve the various puzzles arising in translating our
mathematical/conceptual design, piece by piece, into software components

My best guess is:

1) If we had vastly better CPU's and vastly more RAM, the amount of time to
get to a complete working implementation of a Novamente system might be
reduced to 2/3 what it is right now.

2) HOWEVER, once we get to the stage of of having a complete working
implementation, the next phase is mostly a testing, tuning and teaching
phase.  That phase, I reckon, will be much more easily accelerable via
increased CPU power.  Because, it will largely be a matter of running tests
to tune parameters, and the speed of doing this is roughly proportional to
CPU speed (until one reaches the point where human attention to interpret
the test results is the rate-limiting factor).

-- Ben Goertzel

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