On 11/21/08, Ed Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For those of you who don't read Kurzweil's  mailing list, here is a link to
> an article that describes progress being made in a type of brain/computer
> interface that may in the future have the potential of provided a high
> bandwidth communication with a reasonable percent of the cortex with minimal
> surgery.
> It may well have great potential for the early stages of the transhumanist
> transformation.

You may be more interested in microelectrode arrays:

Those documents describe the design and implementation of the MEAs for
wireless, invasive brain stimulation. There's also some stuff on that
server about noninvasive magnetic stimulation techniques, but
personally I'm a fan of the 5 MB/sec speeds promised by JPL from half
a decade ago. It was only in 1998 that we were doing 32 KB/sec via
wireless telemetry through the skull, but the speeds are increasing.

- Bryan
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