Re: [agi] C-T Thesis (or a version thereof) - Is it useable as anin-principle argument for strong AI?

2003-01-15 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
The C-T Thesis is an argument for Strong AI because it requires that any 
opponent of Strong AI posit a nonstandard model of physics to allow for 
noncomputable processes which, through a nonstandard neurological 
mechanism, have a noticeable macroscopic effect on brain processes.

This is not a knockdown argument but it is a strong one; only Penrose and 
Hameroff have had the courage to face it down openly - postulate, and 
search for, both the new physics and the new neurology required.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] C-T Thesis (or a version thereof) - Is it useable as anin-principle argument for strong AI?

2003-01-15 Thread Shane Legg


This isn't something that I really know much about, but I'll
put my understanding of the issue down in the hope that if
I'm missing something then somebody will point it out and
I'll learn something :)

The literal Church-Turing thesis states that all formal models
of what constitutes a well defined process are in fact equivalent
to the Turing machine model.  This thesis came about after it
was discovered that all the various formal models (lambda
calculus, recursive function theory and many others) that
had been proposed were provably equivalent to the TM model.
It is worth noting that nobody has actually proven that this
claim is true, it's more the case that all efforts to find
formal model of "well defined processes" that's more powerful
than a Turing machine model have all failed and so people
assume that the thesis probably true.

Some people take this a step further and claim that not only
are all formal models of well defined processes equivalent,
but in fact all well defined physical processes are also
equivalent to the Turing machine model.  This appears to be
supported by the fact that no "well defined" physical process
has ever been found that is more powerful than the Turing
machine model.  Thus in a sense this claim is very similar
to the one above as it essentially rests on empirical evidence
rather than hard proof.

If this physical interpretation of the Church-Turing thesis
is accepted then it follows that if the physical brain and its
operation is a "well defined process" then it must be possible
to implement the process that the brain carries out on a Turing
machine.  This is the claim of "Strong AI."

Does that sounds correct to people?


Anand AI wrote:

Hi everyone,

After having read quite a bit about the the C-T Thesis, and its different
versions, I'm still somewhat confused on whether it's useable as an
in-principle argument for strong AI.  Why or why isn't it useable?  Since I
suspect this is a common question, any good references that you have are
appreciated.  (Incidentally, I've read Copeland's entry on the C-T Thesis in
SEoC (

I'll edit any answers for SL4's Wiki (,
and thanks very much in advance.

Best wishes,


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