On 3/24/22 14:39, nix via agora-business wrote:
> I withdraw this proposal. I submit and pend with a pendant the following
> proposal:
> {
> Title: Stamps v1.1
> AI: 1
> Author: nix
> Co-Author: G.
> Enact a new Power=1 rule titled "Stamps" with the following text:
>       Stamps are a category of asset ownable by players and Agora. The
>       Collector is an office. The Collector tracks Stamps in eir weekly
>       report.
>       For each person there is a corresponsing type of stamp.
>       Any player CAN pay 3 boatloads of coins to grant emself 1 Stamp of
>       eir own type.
>       Any player CAN pay 1 Stamp of eir own type to grant emself 1
>       boatload of coins.
>       Any player CAN pay 1 Stamp of another person's type to grant emself
>       2 boatloads of coins.
>       Any player CAN win by paying N Stamps, where N is the current number
>       of active players and each specified Stamp is of a different type.
> nix becomes the Collector
> }

Darn, there's a typo and I forgot to add some co-authors. I withdraw the
above and submit and pend (with a pendant) the following:

Title: Stamps v1.2
AI: 1
Author: nix
Co-Author: G., Jason, Trigon

Enact a new Power=1 rule titled "Stamps" with the following text:

      Stamps are a category of asset ownable by players and Agora. The
      Collector is an office. The Collector tracks Stamps in eir weekly

      For each person there is a corresponding type of stamp.

      Any player CAN pay 3 boatloads of coins to grant emself 1 Stamp of
      eir own type.

      Any player CAN pay 1 Stamp of eir own type to grant emself 1
      boatload of coins.

      Any player CAN pay 1 Stamp of another person's type to grant emself
      2 boatloads of coins.

      Any player CAN win by paying N Stamps, where N is the current
      number of active players and each specified Stamp is of a different

nix becomes the Collector

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