On 7/13/2020 4:41 AM, omd via agora-business wrote:
at 1:10 AM, Mysterious Figure via agora-discussion <agora-discuss...@agoranomic.org> wrote:


I consent to the following contract, titled "I bet that was written by G.", and transfer 25 coins to it:


1. Joining: If this contract has only one party, anyone CAN join it by publicly consenting after transferring 25 coins to the contract.

2. Bet: omd CAN transfer coins from this contract by announcement.  If this contract has two parties, e SHALL do so only as follows:

- In a timely fashion after it becomes reasonably clear which person sent a message titled "[Diplonomic 2020] Chicago International Tribune" to agora-discussion on or about 13 July 2020 08:10, e SHALL transfer all this contract's coins to emself if that person was G., or to the other party otherwise.

- Alternately, if this contract has existed for at least 60 days, and the identity of the aforementioned author is still not reasonably clear, omd MAY transfer this contract's coins in a way that divides them as equally as possible between the parties.

3. Termination: If this contract has no coins, omd CAN terminate it by announcement.

4. Self-Dealing Encouraged: The aforementioned author SHOULD NOT hesitate to join the contract emself if e sees fit to reveal eir identity.


I transfer 25 coins to myself from my account (i.e. from The Bank contract).

I transfer 25 coins to the contract "I bet that was written by G."

I consent to and join that contract.

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

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