I buy a stamp for 1 sh. by transferring that amount to Agora.

I pledge to, for each reply which gives a summary no fewer than 30 words of
a recent event which one may deem suitable to be entered into a Reportor
report, submitted before 10am EDT, September 29th, 2017, to do the
* At a time no earlier than the aforementioned time, review it against all
summaries which cover the same or similar event(s) and meet the purview of
this pledge and select the summary which I find most informative of each
such grouping (henceforth "best review on an event");
* For each best review on an event, pay its author 3 sh., provided that I
have not yet paid at least 30 sh. via this pledge.
* Include an editorialized article based off each best review of an event
which I find time to write about in the next Reportor report.


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